CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
From GlueXWiki
This is the main page for the CPP and NPP experimental setup in Hall D.
Readiness Review
Run Conditions
Log Book entries
- Beam polarization (Alex)
- Beam polarization for two orientations (Alex)
- E/p vs mass for two charged particles (Alex)
- rho asymmetries in JD70-103 (Alex)
- rho polarization vs time (Alex)
- Coherent peak analysis for CPP (Justin)
- Monitoring plots for CPP (Alex)
- E/p vs mass for two charged particles followup (Alex)
- Run analysis of pi0 (Beni)
- Run analysis of pi0 followup (Beni)
- Single pi0 email (Beni)
- Empty target fraction for single pi0 (Beni)
- 2pi0 email (Beni)
- Run analysis of 2pi0 (Beni)
- omega -> pi0 g email (Beni)
- Neutral channel overview (Beni)
Muon Detector
- Fabrication and Performance of the MWPC GlueX-doc-5080
- Production Testing of MWPCs for CPP GlueX-doc-5373
- Sketches of MWPC including dimensions
- Thicknesses of Hexcell Plates
- Sketches of cosmic-ray test setup in EEL 126 and orientation of connectors
- Sequence of MWPCs in Muon Detector
- Description of FMWPCs and CTOF for Shift Takers
- Preliminary efficiency for MWPCs during run email (Ilya)
DAQ Configuration
Experimental Control
Tagger Microscope
- CPP-NPP Trigger
- GTP trigger bits: (GTP == global trigger processor), DL1Trigger::trig_mask
- 1st Bit: Bcal+Fcal
- 2nd Bit: TOF
- 3rd Bit: Bcal only
- 4th Bit: PS
- FP trigger bits: (FP == front pannel), DL1Trigger::fp_trig_mask
- 3rd Bit: Fcal LED
- 6th Bit: CTOF
- 7th Bit: Bcal LED
- 10th Bit: Bcal LED
- 12th Bit: Random
Skim Files
Muon skim files (from Albert's CTOF study): /lustre19/expphy/cache/halld/home/alfab/muon_skims_ver3_apr5/