October 25, 2019 FCAL Insert Design Meeting
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Time and Place =
Wednesday Oct, 9 10:00 am At Jefferson Lab, room TED 2504
- Present - Sasha Somov, Josh Crafts, Eugene, Stephanie, Keith Harding, Tim, Fernando, Chris Stanislav
- Action items from last meeting https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/October_9,_2019_FCAL_Insert_Design_Meeting
- Discuss Tungsten absorber
- Cover 1.5 crystals ok?
- Rohacell supported
- Monitoring System
- Testing plan
- 1mm fibers
- 15cm square with 6mm 45 degree bevel
- Cooling of blocks - 2.1 KW needed
- Support structure and assy sequence
- electronics patch panels DS of crystal pmts
- Discuss Testing of soldered assembly and mag field testing
- Discuss test fixture for PMTs in beam
Minutes and Action Items
- Josh has 1mm fiber for test
- Mu metal shields are in house - 6mm shorter than steel
- 12 crystal test setup
- No Survey needed for 12 crystal tests (initially)
- Need vertical adjustment capability
- Need to ask Matt Shepherd for measurements of previous FCAL lead glass modules
- Keith presented a fairly detailed assembly sequence and plan
- Everyone was relatively happy but always a concern for stack up tolerances and forces
- Discussed Signal and HV cables and Fernado mentioned an alternate plan with patch panel at top and bottom of array
- More discussion needed