CPP and NPP Readiness Review
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Preparations for the CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- Goal: Complete Readiness Review in time to schedule experiment in 2022
- Media:Coarse Acc Schedule 2021.pdf
Planning for Experiment
Outline Presentations (February 10, 2021)
- https://bluejeans.com/195964581 Bluejeans connection for Open Session
- Reviewers:
- Stepan Stepanyan (chair+muon detector)
- Alexandre Cansonne (Trigger)
- Brad Sawatzky (Tracking System -MWPC)
- Chris Keith (Target)
- Robin Wines (Installation)
- Mikhail Kostin (RadCon)
- Edy Nissen (Beamline)
- Javier Gomez (Observer)
- Ed Folts (Observer)
- Agenda
- 08:15-08:45 Executive session
- 08:45-09:35 (30+20) Overview of Experiment and Setup (Charges: 1, 2. 5, 8) -- Rory Miskimen
- 09:35-10:25 (30+20) Engineering Design, Fabrication, Operation and Installation of CPP Hardware (Charges: 2, 3, 4) -- Tim Whitlatch
- 10:25-10:45 Coffee break
- 10:45-11:15 (20+10) Project implementation, resources and schedule (Charges: 3, 6, 7, 9) -- Elton Smith
- 11:15-14:30 Lunch and Executive Session
- 14:30 Closeout
Report and Response
Response 1
- Point-by-point Response
- Timelines and Responsibilities
- Fabrication and Performance of the MWPC GlueX-doc-5080
Comments to Response 1
Response 2
- MWPC Efficiency
- Schedule Status
- CPP-NPP Schedule Status 5/11/2021. The following two references show that the new hdgeant4 simulation is operational and working:
- Log Entry 3876633 Histogram of muon hits from hdgeant4 simulation.
- Tracking / extrapolation to MWPCs Preliminary studies of extrapolation of FDC tracks to MWPCs
Comments to Response 2
Response 3
We have summarized the preliminary results from the cosmic-ray test in EEL126 in Production Testing of MWPCs for CPP (GlueX-doc-5373). The CPP experiment requires six MWPCs and we have six chambers that deliver excellent performance in the cosmic-ray setup in the EEL. The estimates of the efficiency are of the order of 99.7% or greater over a broad range of voltage and/or software thresholds. Two spare MWPCs (Frodo and Galadriel) exhibit low levels of electronic noise that is under investigation.
Comments to Response 3 (Approval)
- Email from Patrizia: The main points are summarized in the next two points.
- "...the committee is satisfied with the results of the MWPC tests and therefore they think the CPP/NPP collaboration fulfilled the requirements to pass the ERR."
- The committee encourages us to measure the performance in Hall D: "...the noise level can be different in the hall and therefore the threshold settings that will affect the efficiency. A test of chambers in the hall before the run is advised."
Additions to Standard Equipment
The major modifications required to operate the experiment are the following
- Design, fabrication and installation of the muon detector
- Multi-wire proportional chambers
- Modifications to the downstream platform, support structure and iron absorbers
- New (mono-isotopic) solid Pb target
- Charged-particle trigger based on the time-of-flight detectors
- Move tagger microscope to cover 6 GeV coherent peak
Documentation for Review
- PAC Documents
- CPP Jeopardy Presentation PAC 48 September 24, 2020
- CPP Jeopardy Update PAC 48 June 22, 2020
- NPP Presentation to PAC 48 August 13, 2020
- TOF Trigger
- Draft Documents
- Released Drawings
- Installation Schedule
- Wiki Pages for further reference