From GlueXWiki
Photon Reconstruction
BCAL Reconstruction 2013
- BCAL Reconstruction Issues: Big list of potential issues in BCAL Reconstruction and simulation
- File:Bcal slides 20130306.pdf: First stab at timewalk corrections
- File:Bcal slides 20130314.pdf: More about timewalk corrections, spiky energy spectrum
- File:Bcal slides 20130321.pdf: mcsmear issues
- File:Bcal offline mtg 20130403.pdf: Summary of old and new BCAL code paths
- BCAL Reconstruction Status Update 20130501 Obsolete summary of mcsmear/reconstruction options
- File:Bcal slides 20130509.pdf: Study of single photon sample
- File:Bcal slides 20130523.pdf: Benchmarking algorithms with single-photon and pi0-samples
- File:Bcal slides 20130620.pdf: Matching tracks to BCAL hits, effect of dark hits, location of extra clusters, averaging scheme
- File:Bcal offline mtg 20130626.pdf: Matching BCAL showers with charged pions, bad TOF measurement of charged particles
- File:Bcal slides 20130627.pdf: Fixing dark hit bugs in mcsmear, bad TOF measurement of charged particles
- File:Bcal slides 20130717.pdf: Cause of bad TOF measurement of charged particles
- File:Levine bcal slides 20130917.pdf: Dealing with hadronic showers in Pythia samples. Discriminating variable. Simple cuts.
- DNP2013 talk
- File:Bcal timing.20140430 offline meeting.pdf
BCAL Clustering
- BCAL reconstruction 8/24/11 - update
- BCAL reconstruction 10/19/11 - update
- BCAL reconstruction 11/28/11 - lots of plots, numbers comparing GlueX and KLOE algortihms
- BCAL reconstruction 01/16/2012 - BCAL mcsmear behavior
Photons in b1pi events
- Photon Reconstruction in b1pi events (June 2011)
- Photon_Reconstruction_in_b1pi_events_02/10/2012
- FCAL Reconstruction in b1pi events 03/06/2012
- FCAL Reconstruction in b1pi events 03/14/2012
- Photon Reconstruction in b1pi events 04/25/2012 (Investigate hadronic background)
- File:Photon reconstruction jun 27 2012.pdf Summarize interaction between vertex-finding and photon reconstruction
- Photon Reconstruction 07/16/2012 Possible directions for future work
FCAL Reconstruction
- FCAL_Reconstruction_04/08/2012 - MIN_CLUSTER_BLOCK_COUNT testing, non-linear energy corrections/calibration
- FCAL Reconstruction MIN BLOCK 04/24/2012 - Results of changing MIN_CLUSTER_BLOCK_COUNT parameter
Kinematic Fitting
Collaboration Meeting Talks
- October 2013: Efficiency and multiplicity in single-photon events, highlighting problem areas. Efficiency and multiplicity in full event reconstruction (Pythia sample). Distinguishing "good" clusters (i.e. photons) from "bad" clusters (hadronic showers and noise).
- June 2013: Timewalk corrections. Efficiency and multiplicity in single-photon events. pi0 reconstruction: comparison of KLOE, IU, and modified IU code. Shower curvature (from Regina group). Ratio-of-amplitude method for determining z-position (from Regina group).
- May 2012: Photons in b1pi events. Both BCAL and FCAL. Distinguishing photons from other clusters.
- May 2011: Kinematic fitting of b1pi events (HDGeant+full reconstruction).
- February 2011: Kinematic fit + PWA of b1pi in HDParsim. Kinematic fitting of b1pi with HDGeant+full reconstruction.
Other stuff
- Kinematic fitting charged particles 11/16/11 - kinematic fitting, 3-momentum conservation, proton reconstruction in all-charged final state
- Track matching to BCAL & danahddm