Offline HOWTO List
From GlueXWiki
Setup / Getting Started (Main)
Setup / Getting Started (Other)
- Guide to Using Git
- Installing a Modern GCC Quickly with Software Collections
- HOWTO get started with the GlueX Analysis Software on the JLab CUE
- HOWTO build the GlueX software with SCons, (Presentation)
- HOWTO mount the Hall D work disk on your desktop Linux machine
- A complete guide for setting up VS Code for the ifarm
- HOWTO run a JANA program with multiple threads
- HOWTO make a plugin (old slides)
- HOWTO add private code to a DANA application
- HOWTO get a tree of low-level, DAQ quantities
- HOWTO to simulate a single-particle gun
- HOWTO to generate electromagnetic background
- HOWTO install and run HDGeant4
- HOWTO merge real noise into simulated events
- HOWTO merge events from different sources
- HOWTO run hdgeant simulations using ccdb geometry
- HOWTO use hdgeant4 as a beam Monte Carlo generator
- HOWTO force hdgeant4 to decay particles in certain channels
- HOWTO perform a triplet polarimeter simulation
- HOWTO generate Bethe-Heitler pairs in the GlueX target
- HOWTO run an analysis launch on bggen simulations
- HOWTO Use EvtGen to simulate particle decays in GlueX
- HOWTO generate mix-in random trigger files
- HOWTO use MCWrapper on AlmaLinux9 nodes
Geometry & Calibration
- HOWTO Access Calibration Constants from JANA/DANA (updates needed)
- HOWTO Access Geometry Information from JANA/DANA
- HOWTO Quickly access Geometry Information using hd_geom_query
- HOWTO Modify the Detector Geometry (updates needed)
- HOWTO build the CCDB
- HOWTO Install CCDB on your local machine
- HOWTO write an Analysis Note
- HOWTO Perform a GlueX Analysis
- HOWTO Execute a Launch using NERSC
- HOWTO Execute a Launch using PSC
- HOWTO Execute a Launch on the OSG
- HOWTO Use TMVA for a Boosted Decision Tree Analysis
- Analysis Software FAQ
- Transition from SWIF to SWIF2
- HOWTO use AmpTools on the JLab farm GPUs
- HOWTO use AmpTools on the JLab farm with MPI
- HOWTO read GlueX hddm data from a jupyter notebook
Software Management
- HOWTO use the scan-build Code Analyzer
- HOWTO use the GlueX Singularity Container
- HOWTO run jobs on the osg using the GlueX singularity container
- HOWTO use prebuilt GlueX software from any linux user account using cvmfsexec
- HOWTO Install and Use the CVMFS Client
- HOWTO Create a New Hall D Software Release
- HOWTO Access data offsite via OSDF/Pelican
- HOWTO Copy data offsite using Globus
- HOWTO Check for memory leaks with valgrind
- HOWTO do a Radiation Length Scan
- HOWTO Project a charged track to a radius or plane (updates needed)
- HOWTO Convert a B-field Map from Excel
- HOWTO archive files to the tape library
- HOWTO archive a large directory of files to the tape library
- HOWTO use the stand-alone HDDS system
- HOWTO get started with the RootSpy GUI software
- HOWTO diagnose segmentation faults in reconstruction software
- HOWTO get a personal web directory at JLab
- HOWTO use the grid
- HOWTO backup and install the GlueX wiki
- HOWTO build and install GEANT4.10.02 on OS X
- HOWTO establish a remote desktop on the ifarm starting from Windows
- HOWTO copy a file from the ifarm to home
- HOWTO update a condition on the RCDB
Deprecated or Outdated
- HOWTO Run Gluex Software with GCC 8 in a CentOS 7 Container
- HOWTO Run GlueX Software with GCC 8 in a CentOS 8 Container
- HOWTO Run Gluex Software with a GCC 8 module
- HOWTO simulate b1π events
- HOWTO run the semi-parametric Monte Carlo
- HOWTO convert MC data to EVIO and replay it
- HOWTO visually inspect the simulation geometry
- Submitting SWIF Analysis Jobs (deprecated)
- HOWTO extract photons or pi0's from the framework
- HOWTO do a kinematic fit for etapi0p events
- HOWTO install and/or create software packages
- HOWTO get your jobs to run on the Grid
- HOWTO save tracking results to an HDDM or EVIO file for later playback
- HOWTO ded: Install & Run