Π polarizability Meeting May 4, 2022

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09:30 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting

REMOTE during Covid-19


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Topic: CPP Weekly Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Action Items

  1. Check with Justin about loading translation table into ccdb. (Beni)
  2. Produce vertex distributions using MC to verify the software is be available for full/empty target commissioning (Andrew)

Preliminary Agenda

  1. Previous CPP meeting: Apr 20, 2022
  2. Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting Apr 21, 2022
  3. Announcements
    • Collaboration Meeting May 23-26 (Mon - software/tutiorials, Tue-Thu)
    • With the RC meetings, do we need the Design/Installation meeting?
  4. Action Items
  5. CPP-NPP Trigger (Sasha)
  6. CPP and NPP Run Conditions
  7. Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
  8. Software/Calibration, Simulations
  9. MWPC Testing
  10. CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
  11. DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
  12. Documentation (Elton and Simon)
  13. Other business
  14. Next meeting


Attending: Alex, Albert, Andrew, Beni, David H., David L., Elton, Eugene, Igal, Ilya, Nikhil, Rory, Sergey, Simon.

  1. Previous CPP meeting: Apr 20, 2022
  2. Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting Apr 21, 2022
  3. Announcements
    • Collaboration Meeting May 23-26 (Mon - software/tutiorials, Tue-Thu)
    • With the RC meetings, do we need the Design/Installation meeting? Comments were that we can dispense with the meeting now.
  4. Action Items
    • Beni has communicated with Justin on the translation table. They were waiting on input from Alex. Alex: New table with all chambers had problems, so they reverted to a 4-chamber table. Justin will investigate later today.
    • Andrew: Still working on getting a version of software with the CPP geometry to work; expect to resolve this soon.
  5. RC meeting comments:
    • Rory: Do we want straight-track running? Yes. Need to minimize down time from ramping magnet by coordinating with other activities.
    • Rory: How many TAC runs do we want? (Probably 2: one at the beginning and one at the end of the run)
    • David: Do we want to run with the 750 or 75 um converter. Beni: Routine GlueX operation was with the 75 um converter but tests were completed with the 750 um. Eugene: Suggests to run with 750 um to increase rate since we are running at low intensity.
    • Elton: Analysis coordinator: Alex is willing to continue this role for the CPP experiment. Thanks!
  6. CPP-NPP Trigger (Sasha)
    • Beni: NIM FP trigger based on CTOF has been wired. It takes the AND of top/bottom tubes from each chamber. The trigger is the OR of the 4 counter coincidences. Rory: That is fine. A left-right coincidence can be required in software.
    • Sergey: Waveforms for CTOF have been checked and come in time. However, the readout list needs to be updated to include the counters. He will work with Sasha to include them into the readout list. They are also not in the translation table so they need to be added.
    • Beni: will specify the FP trigger signal to Sasha.
  7. CPP and NPP Run Conditions
    • The few updates to the run conditions were reviewed
  8. Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
    • No specific report
  9. Software/Calibration, Simulations
    • David: Software meeting tomorrow. Tensor Flow software has been updated on the online machines so that test pi/mu PID software can be made online.
    • Alex: Log Entry 3992840 First look at 100132 with translation table with only 4 chambers. There is a spike in chamber 3 that dominates the spectra. Uses the FMWPC_online plugin
    • David: Is the plugin available online? Alex: The plugin is in the master and the online computers were updated with the master a week ago. Plugin also modified to look at calibrated hits so that it can be used with MC.
    • Beni: Connection problems in chambers 1 and 4 have been fixed by making sure full connections are made.
    • Alex: Monitoring for CTOF paddles is not yet implemented. Will likely add to FMWPC_online (instead of a separate plugin due to small number of counters).
    • David: Requested that the list of plots be added to ROOTSpy configuration. Alex: Will do and also add plots to occupancy_online.
  10. MWPC Testing
  11. CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
    • Elton: Updated photos/info on the target. Rory: It would be nice to make sure that a camera in the hall can see the target position setting as an independent check. Beni will check if it can be seen already. If not we can request this from Tim. [Note added by Elton: The view from west-cam.jlab.org is fuzzy, but perhaps a flag on the handle would allow verification of the target position. See Log Entry 3992868.
  12. DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
  13. Documentation (Elton and Simon)
    • See List of Approved Procedures
    • Along with the RSAD, COO and ERG we are ready to submit documentation for the NPP-CPP run. Simon will collect all needed documents and pass them on to Eugene.
    • Personnel adjusting the Pb frame will need to be trained to access the FCAL darkroom. Elton will ask Mark to conduct a training.
  14. Other business
  15. Next meeting