Π polarizability Meeting Apr 20, 2022
From GlueXWiki
09:30 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
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Meeting ID: 160 862 8791
Passcode: CPP
Elton Smith is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting. Topic: CPP Weekly Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join ZoomGov Meeting https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608628791?pwd=bXhtZjdNRi8xeXZqWFh5T1R3TDBFdz09 Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: CPP One tap mobile +16692545252,,1608628791# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1608628791# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Find your local number: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/u/acZK7hDWFf Join by SIP 1608628791@sip.zoomgov.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: 112160
Action Items
Develop a plan for deciding on the fraction of empty target data to take (Rory and Ilya)Rory presented preliminary ideas during the meeting, which will need to be refined further-
Set preliminary entries for the beam_spot in ccdb (Elton)CCDB has been updated.
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: Apr 13, 2022
- Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting Mar 31, 2022
- Announcements
- GlueX Collaboration Meeting May 23-26 (Mon - software/tutorials, Tue-Thu)
- Shifts/RCs. Aleandre Deur has volunteered to serve as RC for the first two weeks.
- Run Coordinator Meeting for CPP will start in the next 2-3 weeks and increase in frequency as we get closer to beam
- JLab is still under a Continuing Resolution (CR)
- Accelerator beam energy is expected to be about 11.55 GeV
- Action Items
- CPP-NPP Trigger
- Fiber connections for DAQ integration
- Fiber connections for FP trigger for CTOF
- TOF trigger for CPP
- FCAL/BCAL trigger for NPP
- CPP and NPP Run Conditions
- AIEC: CDC HV Media:20220420_CDC_Cosmics_AI.png
- Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
- Software/Calibration
- Simulations
- MWPC Testing
- CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
- DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
- Other business
- Next meeting
Present: Andrew, Alex, Beni, David L., Elton, Eugene, Ilya, Nikhil, Sergey, Simon.
- Announcements
- GlueX Collaboration Meeting May 23-26 (Mon - software/tutorials, Tue-Thu)
- Shifts/RCs. Aleandre Deur has volunteered to serve as RC for the first two weeks.
- Run Coordinator Meeting for CPP will start in the next 2-3 weeks and increase in frequency as we get closer to beam
- Congress has passed the funding bill but JLab is still operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) until funds are distributed.
- Accelerator beam energy is expected to be about 11.6 GeV
- David Hornidge has successfully obtained funding to work on CPP, which will permit him to spend more time and allocate students to the project.
- Action Items
- CPP-NPP Trigger (Sasha)
- Beni: Sasha has been in contact with Hai and they are in the process of uploading the TOF trigger firmware into the hardware. Ben Raydo has been contacted to assist with any changes to the global trigger configuration.
- Sergey: Pulser data has been used to produce run R 100,068. He would like us to run the monitoring histograms on this data to verify continuity. Full configuration with 3 CDC crates included in test.
- Beni: The new translation table (text file) is available from Justin, but has not yet been loaded into ccdb. Beni will work with Justin to get the tables uploaded. Alex: The complication of updating ccdb is related to the scaler tables and Hovanes needs to be included in the discussion.
- Alex: Promised to send out a message with instructions on how to use the text file. [Note added: See email from Alex]
- Beni: Preparations for FP trigger continue. Need signal cables for scintillators and rewrap the scintillator with repaired glue joint. Elton: Provide a temporary signal that Sasha can use as the FP trigger so it can be implemented. The "final" trigger logic does not need to be in place.
- CPP and NPP Run Conditions
- Beni: Need to add a TOF and CDC HV scan during commissioning at point 5. [Note added: Item has been added].
- Considerations for amount of Empty target data (Rory)
- Goal is to minimize the uncertainty in the "true" (full - empty) yield for the experiment.
- Suggestion: use the vertex distributions for full and empty commissioning runs to determine the amount of background.
- Take about 2 hours of full and 2 hours of empty data during commissioning.
- Use kinematic fitting with missing target events (e+e- pairs in particular, selected with FCAL trigger) to plot the vertex distribution. Estimated width is about 1 cm.
- Plot the uncertainty in the "true" signal as a function of the fraction of empty target running and find the minimum.
- Estimate is in progress.
- Elton asked Andrew if he could generate the vertex distributions and he agreed. Andrew will start with MC to check software.
- Beni: Is it possible to process in semi-real time the two commissioning runs? Alex: Yes, this was done for the SRC experiment.
- AIEC: CDC HV Media:20220420_CDC_Cosmics_AI.png
- David showed a plot of the recent test to use AI to automatically update the CDC HV to stabilize the gain. Half the CDC had a constant HV; the other half was controlled with the AI algorithm updating every 5 min. The plot shows that the gain is nicely constant when the AI algorithm is used; the other half at constant HV shows excursions due to atmospheric pressure.
- Based on the success of this test, the plan for CPP is to use the AI to update the HV between runs (not during the run). A button is being added to the CDC HV GUI that enables/disables the use of the AI updates.
- Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
- Software/Calibration
- Simon: Added He bag to the geometry model
- Alex: Created an FMWPC folder in ccdb, as for other systems. As suggested by Sean, the hooks for all constants used for CDC and FDC will be added to the FMWPC tables (including e.g. gains, etc). This will make it easy to use any of this information should it be desired at a future date.
- Alex: Should one use one table for all planes (6x144) or six tables with 144 entries. Opinions were offered. Alex should pick the option that seems easiest to implement.
- David: Nikhil is looking at new MC files, but is not yet ready to show results.
- David: CPP Software meeting tomorrow at 12:30 pm.
- MWPC Testing
- FMWPC Log Book
- halldweb/talks/CPP_NPP
- Beni: HV and LV problems on chambers have been traced to cabling. The chambers themselves seem to be fine. Nick and Chris are implementing solutions.
- Beni: New Disc has been installed and needs a firmware upgrade to be compatible with our system. Nick is aware and will update it.
- CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
- DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
- See trigger section
- Other business
- Next meeting