Π polarizability Meeting May 11, 2022
From GlueXWiki
09:30 EST (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
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Meeting ID: 160 862 8791
Passcode: CPP
Elton Smith is inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting. Topic: CPP Weekly Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join ZoomGov Meeting https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1608628791?pwd=bXhtZjdNRi8xeXZqWFh5T1R3TDBFdz09 Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: CPP One tap mobile +16692545252,,1608628791# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1608628791# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Find your local number: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/u/acZK7hDWFf Join by SIP 1608628791@sip.zoomgov.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 160 862 8791 Passcode: 112160
Action Items
Check with Justin about loading translation table into ccdb. (Beni)Translation has been uploaded to ccdb and checked with a few of the latest data files. - Produce vertex distributions using MC to verify the software is be available for full/empty target commissioning (Andrew)
Check that there is a visual confirmation of target position (Beni/Elton)The Hall D camera on the west end can be used although the focus is not very good. We will need to add a flag to allow visual check of target position. -
Ask Mark Dalton to conduct a training of the FCAL dark room for personnel that will adjust the Pb frame.We will find a time when 2-3 CPP persons and FCAL experts can meet with Mark Dalton and Tim for training on positioning of the Pb picture frame absorber.
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: May 4, 2022
- Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting May 5, 2022
- Announcements
- Collaboration Meeting Mon May 23 (Software/tutorials), Tue-Thu 24-26 (Meeting)
- Run Coordinator Meetings
- Action Items
- CPP-NPP Trigger (Sasha)
- CPP and NPP Run Conditions
- Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
- Software/Calibration, Simulations
- hdview2 event display
- data skims and quick analysis feedback (polarization, vertex)
- monitoring (David)
- MWPC Testing
- CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
- DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
- Documentation (Elton and Simon)
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attending: Alex, Albert, Andrew, Beni, David H., David L. Elton, Eugene, Igal, Ilya, Nikhil, Rory, Sasha, Sergey, Simon
- Previous CPP meeting: May 4, 2022
- Previous CPP Software meeting: Π polarizability Software Meeting May 5, 2022
- Announcements
- Collaboration Meeting Mon May 23 (Software/tutorials), Tue-Thu 24-26 (Meeting)
- Run Coordinator Meetings
- Action Items
- Most resolved; see list above.
- CPP-NPP Trigger (Sasha)
- There have recently been 2 failed Flash250 modules with a blown fuse. (These can be fixed, but the failure cause is not known)
- The F250 cards were found to have considerable debris (dirt) collected and may be the reason for the failure. See Log Entry 3993462
- Beni provided a NIM signal for the CTOF front-panel trigger and Sasha connected the input to the trigger supervisor. Log Entry 3993455
- Elton: How to adjust the thresholds for the neutral trigger? Sasha: The production GlueX trigger can be used as a basis and modified by adjusting thresholds. Note: The PRIMEX trigger uses higher threshold settings (about 3.5 GeV, compared to the 0.5 GeV threshold in the FCAL for the normal GlueX trigger).
- Elton: What trigger to use for the CDC calibration? Sasha: Naomi has contacted him and should be able to start with the standard GlueX trigger and see how effective this trigger is to select good tracks in the CDC.
- Elton: How much time is needed to commission the trigger? Sasha: About 2 shifts.
- Beni: The TOF will need to be gain matched before the final TOF trigger is adjusted. He will need to do a voltage scan in steps of 25 V on the TOF pmts to gain match them.
- CPP and NPP Run Conditions
- The list of data needed was updated by Elton.
- Rory: Need to take amorphous data? David H. noted that amorphous data is needed to normalize the spectra to determine the polarization. We decided that the 10% amount of data taken by GlueX is a reasonable target. Alex: The amorphous data is needed for normalization of the spectra in the monitoring. For final polarization measurement with the TPOL it is not needed, except for checking systematics.
- Photon beam / tagger / diamonds
- Elton: The diamond alignment will be discussed at the Beamline meeting this afternoon. For any procedure we will need quick feedback on the polarization.
- Alex: The shape analysis was recently performed by Justin and Mark D. We should make sure that this tool is available during commissioning.
- Software/Calibration, Simulations
- hdview2 event display. No recent update
- data skims and quick analysis feedback (polarization, vertex)
- Andrew is working on the vertex distribution, but jobs are taking too much time. Simon: Has a general vertex reconstruction using track pairs that can be used.
- monitoring (David)
- David: Showed monitoring plots of FMWPC pedestals and high-level histograms with pi/mu PID response, energy spectra and angular distributions.
- Simon: Is working CTOF hit factory and calibrations. Will add timing histograms to the online set.
- GENERAL NOTE: All software should now be merged directly into the master branch. Discontinue use of the CPP branch as a general rule.
- MWPC Testing
- CPP and NPP Experiment Configuration
- DAQ and Electronic Setup (Sergey and Beni)
- Documentation (Elton and Simon)
- Other business
- Next meeting