Run Coordination Meetings:Summer2022

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Summer 2022 CPP/NPP run

Meeting General Agenda

Run planning meetings:

Connect Information

Meeting are via ZoomGov: connect

Meeting ID: 160 199 0060 / Passcode 8394

Beam and Hall configuration

  • Experiments: NPP and CPP: June 8th- July 27th 2022. (Followed by PrimEx, start on Aug. 4th 20202).
  • Beam energy expected:
    • Expected: 11.57 GeV.
  • Solenoid:
    • Standard, 1350A
  • Pair Spectrometer: 6/9 = 0.67 of its nominal field (569.4 A = 0.67x849.9 A)
  • Microscope range: [0.301-0.514] of the beam energy or [4.57-6.01 GeV]
  • CW Beam:
    • 250 MHz frequency.
    • Current: 1-100 nA (exceptionally up to 350nA if needed).
    • Chopper slit:  ??To minimize bleedthrough, use Hall B slit whenever they are at 5-pass (full run period except first 4 days). Use Hall A slit the first 4 days (Hall A starts later)??
  • Position Slow Lock on or FFB on (FFB doesn't operate below 50nA).
  • Radiators:
    • Goniometer radiators:
      • Diamond JD70-103 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - New crystal - Not expected to be great according to rocking curve.
      • Diamond JD70-107 (55 μm - 4.6·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - New crystal - Not expected to be great according to rocking curve.
      • (Diamond JD70-105 (47 μm - 3.9·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - Spent: used for the second part of GlueX's Fall 2018 run and Fall 2019/Spring 2020/Fall 2021)
      • (Diamond JD70-106 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - Aligned and used shortly during Tagger Accidental test in Spring 2020. Did not display sharp coherent peak.)
      • (Diamond JD70-109 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - New crystal - Not expected to be good according to rocking curve.)
      • Amorphous 40 μm Al radiator (44.9·10-5 R.L.)
      • V-wire (for TAC run).
    • Amorphous
      • 1.64 µm Al (1.86·10-5 R.L., see study)
      • 10 µm Al (11.2·10-5 R.L.)
      • 30 µm Al (33.7·10-5 R.L.)
  • Tagger quadrupole on (-4.2 A).
  • Collimator hole: Default running: 3.4 mm.
  • Targets:
    • Lead target: 0.3mm, 5.4·10-2 R.L.
  • PS converter: 750 μm
  • Miscellaneous:
    • PS test area: Pb-W module tests (A. Somov)

General Information

This document describes the run plan for the Hall D Summer 2022 run.

  1. June 1st - 7th: Electron beam restoration.
  2. June 8th - August 18th: CPP/NPP run
  3. August 18th - August 26th: Down for CPP/NPP -> PrimEx transition
  4. August 26th - November 29th: PrimEx run
  5. November 29th - December 3rd: Down for PrimEx -> GlueX II transition
  6. December 3rd - March 20: GlueX II run

  • Accelerator overall plan and priorities:
    • Deliver physics beam to 4 halls. Hall A starts later, on July 7th??. Hall A pass(es): TBD. Halls B and or C will always be at 5th pass (except for 4 days for Hall B), so Hall D beam will always be RF-separated and at 250 MHz.
  • Hall D plan
    • Experiments: CPP and NPP
    • Tentative commissioning plan
    • "TAC" runs (2 or more)
    • Energy calibration run: 5min every 2 days with CW beam, I=100nA
    • Straight track run. Tentatively between a TAC run and beam studies (to save on overhead): Ramp down the solenoid during beam study. Do the straight track run (6h if the beam delivery is good). Follow with a TAC run while ramping back up the solenoid.
    • No invasive non-CPP/NPP tests are planned.
  • Expected staffing and responsibilities:
    • The Run Coordinator oversees the run:
      • June 1st-June 7th: 7 days: Alexandre Deur (accelerator restoration)
      • June 8th-June 15th, 7 days: Alexandre Deur
      • June 15th-June 22nd, 7 days: Mark-Macrae Dalton
      • June 22nd-June 29th, 7 days: Naomi Jarvis
      • June 29th-July 6th, 7 days: Benedikt Zihlmann
      • July 6th-July 13th, 7 days: Ilya Larin
      • July 13th-July 20th, 7 days: Elton Smith
      • July 20th-July 27th, 7 days: Rory Miskimen
      • July 27th-August 3rd, 7 days: transition to PrimEx -- beam down (need RC?). (Possible CPP extension; RC: David Lawrence)
      • August 3rd-August 10th, 7 days: Alexandre Deur (Possible CPP extension)
      • August 10th-August 17th, 7 days: Joerg Reinhold (Possible CPP extension)
      • August 17th-August 24th, 7 days: Liping Gan
      • August 24th-August 31st, 7 days: Igal Jaegle
      • August 31st-September 7th, 7 days: Stuart Fegan
      • September 7th-September 14th, 7 days: Andrew Smith
      • September 14th-September 21st, 7 days: Arshak Asaturyan
      • September 21th-September 28th, 7 days: Igal Jaegle
      • September 28th-October 5th, 7 days: Andrew Smith
      • October 5th-October 12th, 7 days: Joerg Reinhold
      • October 12th-October 19th, 7 days: Joerg Reinhold, Andrew Smith
      • October 19th-October 26th, 7 days: Arshak Asaturyan
      • October 26th-November 2nd, 7 days: Justin Stevens
      • November 2nd-November 9th, 7 days: Olga Cortés Becerra
      • November 9th-November 16th, 7 days: Mariana Khachatryan
      • November 16th-November 23rd, 7 days: Igal Jaegle
      • November 23rd-November 30th, 7 days: Naomi Jarvis
      • November 30th-December 7th, 7 days: Alexandre Deur
      • December 7th-December 14th, 7 days: Arshak Asaturyan
      • December 14th-December 21st, 7 days: Joerg Reinhold


  1. Ramp-up:
    • the PS magnet to 2/3 of its nominal current;
    • The sweeping magnet to its nominal current;
    • The Solenoid to its nominal current.
  2. Pb target is in-beam position.
  3. Verify electron beam quality and establish photon beam (assume 1 day).
    • Ion Chambers trip threshold must be set using the 4 Al. radiators (1 on goni, 3 on amorphous radiator ladder). The new diamond (JD70-103) is not aligned yet, so the IC calibration will be done later.
    • Tune electron beam with radiator retracted
      • Radiator (amorphous and diamond) must be retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position.
        • Typical levels are (for radiator retracted, collimator fully blocking, electron beam current 50 nA)
          • RAD102_P1 ~ 10 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
          • RAD102_P2 ~30 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, on the ground below the goniometer).
          • RAD102_P3 ~ 0.3 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
          • RAD508_P1 < 0.1 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
          • RAD508_P2 ~ 0. mrad/hr (Hall. Neutrons).
    • Establish good photon beam
    • Make sure tagger quadrupole is on and at -4.2 A. (It can be turned on only once the Hall is in power/beam permit.)
    • Do not turn on the Active Collimator HV: Richard Jones will decided when to turn them on.
      • Insert 2*10-5 RL radiator. Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD and turn off beam each time a radiator is moved
        • Typical levels are (for 2×10-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
          • RAD102_P1= 35 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
          • RAD102_P2= ~ 50 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, on the ground below the goniometer)
          • RAD102_P3= ~2 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
          • RAD508_P1= ~10 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
          • RAD508_P2 < ~ 0. mrad/hr (Hall. Neutrons).
    • Verify beam position and envelope (Hovanes/Richard).
      • Ask MCC to set beam position on 5C11b to x=-0.5 mm and y=+1.0 mm.
      • Ask MCC for 5C11 and 5C11B HARP. Then do our radiator HARP scan, see instruction. If it looks good, proceed to next step. Otherwise, inform MCC.
      • Insert profiler (no need for masking FSD when an object is inserted in the photon line), run with 10×10-4 radiator and 50 nA. Beam on the profiler should be at x=0.0±0.5cm; y=0.0±0.5cm. If not, inform MCC.
      • At that point, the active collimator HV should have been turned on by Richard.
    • Radiation level study (1h):
      • Run 5 min without radiator (Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD each time the radiator is moved). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 75 nA and 100 nA. There is need to run the DAQ or stop the beam between each steps: the data are recorded by EPICS. However, the beam need to be off when moving to a different radiator for the next steps.
      • Run 5 min with the 10-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 75 nA and 100 nA
      • Run 3 min with the 3*10-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 75 nA and 100 nA
    • Photon flux optimization and Active Collimator calibration. (20 + 20 mins). (Hovanes).
      • re-Insert the 10-4 radiator (Call MCC). Use about 100 nA beam current. This will provide the Act. Col. nominal positions for its high gain values.
      • Determine maximum photon beam transmission by doing 2D scans using the collimator x/y motions (Hovanes. 1h)
      • Record on the white board what is the beam position on 5C11b and Active Collimator for optimal photon transmission, both for low and high Act. Col. gain.
      • Until Hovanes determines to optimal 5C11b and Active Collimator position, keep profiler in and beam locked (MCC's duty) on the nominal 5C11b and x=0,y=0 profiler position. Once Active Collimator nominal beam position is known, retract profiler and lock the beam (MCC) on the active collimator.
  4. Detector and beamline checkout.
    • Any time before starting production (beam quality is not important): microscope HV scan (2h, R. Jones).
    • Check microscope and hodoscope operation in new configuration (Can be checked by shift crew. If needed, call Richard Jone).
    • Establish L1 trigger, step 1: BCal/GlueX trigger needs to be re-established before the ToF HV scans below. (Alex. Somov. 2h).
    • Establish DAQ (Sergei, 0.5h).
  5. ToF and CToF calibrations (Beni, 6h). In parallel, CDC HV scans (Naomi) and General detector calibration (Sean Dobbs. 1h). Use 3-4 Al. radiator. Beam current 100nA
  6. Establish L1 trigger, step 2: preliminary CPP/NPP trigger (Alex. Somov. 2h).
  7. PS and TAGH HV scan. (Alex. Somov. 1h).
  8. 50/55 μm diamond (Start on JD70-103) alignement (20nA). 2 polarization configurations:45o/135o (Hovanes. 8h-12h).
  9. Contact MCC to tell them that they can now do the Ion Chamber Threshold calibration on the diamond.
  10. Check rates in microscope in new position (Can be checked by shift crew. If needed, call Richard Jone).
  11. Check radiation and backgrounds rates in Hall D with Pb target (Ilya, Rory, 1h)
    • Check rates and beam stability at 30 nA
    • Check currents and hit distributions in the MWPCs
  12. Take data for adjustment of the FCAL PMT gains. Standard production configuration, 50nA or higher if FDC allow it (decision from Lubomir), 4.5-4 Al. radiator (on goni). Run overnight.
  13. Compare "empty" vs Pb target rates Media (10h, Ilya, Rory, Elton)
  14. Adjust Pb absorber upstream of muon detector. (Ilya. 8-10h.)
    • Requires 6 rapid access and data taking in between. FCal will be off.
    • Ilya's document
  15. Commission trigger step 3: (Alex. Somov. ??h)
    • Charged Trigger (TOF)
    • Neutral Trigger (FCAL/BCAL)
    • Calibration triggers (CTOF, random, PS)
    • Compare empty/full trigger rates
  16. CPP/NPP run
    • Standard configuration: ~50 μm diamond, 27 nA, 3.4 mm hole, TPol on 750 μm TPol convertor. 2h runs and no more, as it may be hard to correct for calibration drifts. Cycle over 5 sets of runs: 45o (twice), then 135o (twice) then 1 amorphous run on 4.5-4 Al. radiator on goni.
    • Log in run information in the shift summary (make a run list). For each production run, log useful comments on DAQ comment window, see [1]
    • Tagger quadrupole on
    • Harp scans (30 min): Every 1 day, say at 11am. If beam appears stable, we may decide to do them every 2 days.
    • Energy calibration runs: 5min with CW beam, I=100nA. Can be done just after or before the Harps scans. Collimator in blocking position (unless we know that the FDC can accommodate 100 nA).
    • Empty target run(s). Optimal current and data taking duration will be decided after seeing the data. 30min overhead to prepare the target (29min58s for rapid access/exit, 2s to flip the target switch).
  17. More "empty" target run will be needed. Another 3 cycles (45o/45o/135o/135o/amo, 9h), in addition to that done during the commissioning.
  18. Long mode run. Once a week (20 min). Say, every Thursday?
  19. TAC runs. At least 2 runs.
    • a few nA, thinest Al. radiator and ComCal.
    • To be coordinated with MCC.
    • Measure bleedthrough. If acceptable, (~nA or less), proceed with TAC-ComCal run. Otherwise, explore possibility for invasive TAC run.
  20. Straight track run. Once. Tentatively between a TAC run and beam studies (to save on overhead): Ramp down the solenoid during beam study. Do the straight track run (6h if the beam delivery is good). Follow with a TAC run while ramping back up the solenoid.

Hall D situation room (current run plan)

Hall D counting room white board

Accelerator status

Hot Checkout

To be completed by Friday June 3rd

100% ready ; 0% checked ; 0% not ready

  • Tentatively planning to close the Hall this Friday (June 3rd), unless start of operation is delayed.

Readiness for Summer 2022 run

(This section is commented out for clarity)

Live Camera Feeds from the Four Counting Houses

  1. These feeds SHOULD be open and visible at all times from one of the monitors in each of the counting houses.
  2. Management cautions AGAINST opening them from other locations or offsite, out of concern for available bandwidth.

Running Shifts Remote