September 11,2007 Software
- Review minutes from August 21,2007 Software meeting
- Event generators from Rad-φ (Richard)
- Update pythia genreated events smeared about the target [[1]] (Beni)
- Report on CHEP07 (David)
- Action Items
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We may have a VRVS connection depending if the equipment is in good working order. No guarantees.
Attendees: David L. (chair), Elke A., Mark I., Elliott W., Simon T., Elton S., Dennis W.
Phone: Beni Z., Mihajlo K., Matt S.
Announcments / Misc.
- There seems to be a need for students to be able to check out from the repository and grab updates to their local copy without necessarily having a full CUE computer account so they can check things back in. David will look into this.
- With the new semester, we need to revisit the meeting time to make it optimal for all attendees. David will set up the scheduler and announce it on the mailing list.
Update pythia genreated events smeared about the target
Beni presented the latest results from running pythia generated events through hdgeant. He has implemented code to disperse the events in z throughout the extended target. Angular distributions were shown for various particles (photons, pions, kaons and protons) for several momentum bins ranging from 50 MeV/c to 900 MeV/c.
Elke suggested producing a similar set of plots, but with a rough acceptance cut placed on the tracks. i.e. some minimum number of hits in the CDC/FDC for the charged tracks and some minimum energy deposited in the fiducial area of the calorimeters for neutrals. Beni said he would do this.
Beni's changes will also be checked into the svn repository once he has verified them a bit further (e.g. looked that the z-distribution of the "thrown" values is uniform and in the right limits)
Report on CHEP07
David reported on things he learned while at the Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics conference (CHEP 2007) last week. See his slides for details.
Action items
Item 5 needs to be marked of the list.
Anonymous checkouts from the svn repository needs to be added.