May 21, 2020 CPP Design Meeting
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Time and Place =
Thursday May 21, 2020, 1:30pm Bluejeans
- Present - Elton, Dave, Stephanie, Llya, Rory (remote)
- Minutes from last meeting,_2020_CPP_Design_Meeting#Minutes_and_Action_Items
- Overall description
- FY2020 Procurement possibilities Media:CPP_Procurement_schedule.docx
- Design/Fab/Install schedule Media:CPP_install_schedule.pdf
- 3D model - show progress
- Upcoming run, possible tests Media:CPP_Tests.pdf
- Things to work out
- Gas line manifold
- Adjustable lead absorber
- Procurement/installation schedule
- Alignment hardware
- Electronics shielding Media:Muon_Chamber_Shielding.pdf
- Complete structural analysis
- Develop installation plan
- Develop Design/operational/Maintenance Requirements
Minutes and Action Items
- Reviewed minutes of last meeting
- Discussed RF shielding over electronics board - they will be capped at the ends - UMASS will have them fabricated
- The new chambers have a 2" hole in the center - this will be uncovered during installation
- The hole in all the iron pieces to be 8cm square with radius corners
- Hole in stationary lead to be 10cm square with radius corners
- Adjustable lead to be 14cm square with 8cm square hole,10cm thick. +/- 1cm movement and must be locally adjustable
- material for lead adjustment should be somewhat symmetrical and consistent all around
- we should plan on removing the vertical cable organizers since things are getting tight
- Discussed possible testing scenarios for the summer run - need to make decision on configurations
- Next meeting we can go over possible procurements
- Set up new meeting in 2 weeks