JEF meeting, November 3, 2023
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 10:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
- Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- - signal cables: all cables are ready. Received 75 long cables. They have been tested, labeled and bundled (will be used to replace FCAL cables removed from the FCAL)
- - signal patch panels are ready [1]
- - HV cables: have received 100 short cables, have been testes and labeled. 320 cables are ready for installation. 36 long cables are in production
- - HV distribution boards: Chris is finalizing design of the distribution board, should order 4 boards soon.
- - LV cables: ordered, lead time unclear
- - LV distribution boards: met with Chris and Stephanie on Monday last week. The design of the LV distribution board has been finalized.
- - Optical fibers: received all
- Ongoing projects -- Sasha, all
- - Testing and labeling cables (Recently labeled cables in boxes)[2]
- - Prepare modules for the TAC and prototypes (using crystals with some imperfections) [3]
- Wrapped crystals
- Parts for TAC[4]. Chris D. and Keith prepared brass straps assemblies.
- Modules for prototype (25 are ready). All parts are ready to assemble 30 CCAL-style modules.
- - Polished 320 fiber plastic caps, all fibers are ready. Meeting with Stephanie and Tim, 3-D printed a mounting plate to couple with the integrating sphere [5]
- - Installation of the trigger and readout electronics
- - 7 VXS crate, 3 HV crates, and 1 LV (Wiener) crate have been installed. Power lines will be installed in a week.
- - Installed flash ADC, SDs, TIs. Uploaded new firmware [6]
- - Work on the installation of ROCs and VTPs (with Ben R.)
- - Summer Students (2023)
- Testing of PMT dividers -- Sasha / Vlad / Aoran / Boaxin
- Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha / Vlad / Hakob
- Light monitoring system
- Plastic caps have been glued to all fibers
- Returning low-quality crystals to SICCAS -- Sasha
- 11 crystals were wrapped and placed into the box; they are ready for shipment to SICCAS [16]
- Analysis/Simulation
Attendees: Sasha, Arshak, Phil, Liping, Igal, Jon, Olga, Jane, Vlad B., S.T.
- 75 long signal cables arrived (out of 400)
- Also using unused cables from FCAL, which are different in length by about 5 feet --> slightly different timing delays
- LV patch panel design finalized
- HV distribution being finalized
- LV cables have not arrived
- All optical parts for LMS are here
- 100 short HV cables tested and labled (2 bad cables found)
- Parts for making several small-scale lead tungstate detectors are ready
- 3x3 array for use in PS test setup in hall
- 5x5 array for measuring energy resolution, study shower profile -- using ECAL design
- Fiber profiler?
- 5x5 array to replace TAC using COMCAL design (no light guides)
- 320 donuts for LMS polished
- 3D printed disk with many holes for fibers for interface to integrating sphere has been constructed
- Electronics for ECAL has been installed in hall
- Found 2 bad flash ADC modules
- Working on ROC/VTP installation
- Aoran putting components into database
- Checking of PMT dividers underway (recording waveform and peak amplitude)
- 178 with PMT socket, found 3 bad dividers
- Discussion with radcon regarding radiation damage
- Canbus cables for lead glass being installed
- Plexiglas for lead glass LMS not ready yet
- 11 bad crystals sent back to SICCAS
- Discussion regarding GlueX-III/JEF extension onging