JEF meeting, May 24, 2024
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
- Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- - HV long cable, 18 ready (out of 36), discussion with the DSG group regarding help
- - HV distribution boards: has not yet been designed, need 4 boards
- - LV cables: missing about 20 cables, waiting for the last delivery batch.
- - LV distribution boards [1]. One board out of 4 is ready, using for testing dividers Media:lv_distribution.jpg
- - LED: prototype board is ready, have to start testing
- Ongoing projects - All
- Testing of PMT dividers -- Sasha / Vlad / George / Mindy
- - File:Regulators.xlsx Map of dividers with removed regulators
- - Testing procedure [2]
- - All dividers have been fabricated and tested by George [3]
- Continue removing regulators from the PCB (about 70 regulators have been removed, require re-testing dividers)
- Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha / Vlad / Hakob / Laveen
- Installation and testing cables and dividers [4] [5]
- Detector installation page
- Summer students -- Sasha
- - Olivia, Ben, and Shane are on site. Expect one student from Wuhan (have to start with the paperwork)
- - Projects: document all test results, assist with the cable/divider installation, install signal cables on patch panel, work on the ECAL monitoring plots
- Beam tests with the PS
- measure shower beam profile and reconstruction in the crystal/LG transition region
- (install prototype with 5x5 PbWO4 modules + ? LG)
- Other hardware projects
- prototype of the ECAL veto counter (?)
- Impact of veto on eta channels from Feb'24 collaboration meeting: File:P9.pdf
- prototype of the ECAL veto counter (?)
- FCAL2 posters for open house
- JEF/ECAL/FCAL poster (Laveen + students + feedback from all of us)
- JEF physics poster (Laveen)
- Analysis/Simulation
Attendees: Sasha, Bill, Igal, Anapum, Liping, Zisis, Olga, Stjepan, Jon, Axel, Jane, S.T.
- Sasha working on getting help on long HV cables from detector support group
- HV distribution board design not started
- One LV distribution board prepared
- Prototype board for LEDs ready to be attached to integrating sphere
- Working on removing as many voltage regulators on dividers as feasible, George from detector support group will retest
- Installation and testing of PMT dividers in insert continues
- Chiller test had not started as far as I know by the time of the meeting on Friday
- Students working on detector poster for open house, Laveen made first draft of JEF physics poster
- Discussion of what to do with "calorimeter" arm of PS setup in hall
- Would like to use to study small-scale prototypes for understanding FCAL2, but there are some EIC projects that want to use the arm as well
- Hall-D projects should have priority
- xy-translation stage?
- Discussion of inner TOF veto -- is it useful?
- Discussion of shower reconstruction algorithm -- need to understand "efficiency" for close shower separation