JEF meeting, January 27, 2023
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Received all 150 CRYTUR crystals from physics division (22-C0275) [1]
- Expect to receive 95 more CRYTUR crystals in May (835 + 95 = 930 in total)
- Wrapped CRYTUR crystals: 835 (ALL available CRYTUR)
- Disassembling CCAL
- CCAL moved to the ESB
- All modules (with SICCAS crystals) are removed
- List of available parts
- Some PMT housing are missing ( > 60, trying to find with Tim)
- Received all 150 CRYTUR crystals from physics division (22-C0275) [1]
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Fabricated modules: Total 1413 (3 modules fabricated since last week)
- Testing of PMT dividers -- Sasha / Arshak
- Most parts for dividers have been received
- 25 dividers for the prototype are ready (have to be tested), expect to receive the LV patch panel prototype
during next week. The CCAL prototype should be ready by the end of next week (?)
- Installation of the FCAL2 detector -- Sasha / Arshak
- Detector installation page
- Updates from the meetings with Tim's group
- Manpower and division of tasks
- Projects for summer students
- Meeting with the detector imaging group
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
- Simulations/Analysis
Attendees: Bill, Igal, Phil, Arshak, Axel, Sasha, Olga, S.T.
- Unwrapping of COMCAL modules continues -- now 52 have been disassembled
- Visual inspection indicates no obvious indication of radiation damage
- Mindy from detector support group has re-wrapped 10
- ~60 PMT housings are missing -- Tim+Sasha are trying to track them down
- 1413 modules have been fabricated
- PMT dividers
- All parts have been ordered, most parts have arrived
- Order for divider fabrication imminent
- 25 are ready for testing with 5x5 module prototype (in COMCAL, using FCAL-2 modules)
- Prototype for low-voltage patch panel due next week
- Check cross-talk, induced oscillations, ...
- COMCAL setup has been modified to include the 5x5 FCAL-2 prototype + two 3x3 arrays (one using SiPMs for readout)
- At least six summer students have been identified, with more likely
- Arshak received 500 micron diameter fibers for testing light uniformity for alternate LMS (instead of using plexiglas)
- Olga will make some more cookies