JEF meeting, December 2, 2022

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Meeting time and location:

  • 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
  • Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965



Attendees: Bill, Arshak, Igal, Phil, Susan, Sasha, Olga, Jon, Liping, Zisis, Eugene, Azizah, Jane, Axel, Malte, S.T.

  • Have 28 new crystals on hand
    • Expect 25 more from physics division by end of year
    • Expect another batch from Crytur in May of next year
    • Will need to disassemble COMCAL next year
  • Mindy from Detector Support Group continues wrapping crystals and has started working on soldering wires to PMT sockets
  • Parts for module assembly in good shape
  • Grand total number of assembled modules = 1362
  • Sasha working on testing PMT dividers to provide feedback to Fernando
    • Looked at signals on scope using laser source: intrinsic timing = 2.5 ns rise time w/o amplifier, but signal shape does not change much with amplifier
      • With amplifier some pulse deformation for high pulse heights
      • Need to test rate dependence
      • Test impact of switching noise due to nearby Cockroft-Walton bases from FCAL1?
      • Try to learn from NPS experience (larger amplification, see large amount of oscillations/noise but have small signals)
        • Copper shielding?
    • Also working on finalizing contract with GWU for this work
    • Recall that divider design has a 3x amplifier that can be bypassed -- expect only to implement amplifier for inner crystals in the insert
      • How to set? Want to keep current draw to a reasonable level
    • Instrument COMCAL with new dividers?
    • When to start mass production? Deadline: this year for Fernando to put order in
      • Sasha to ask Chris S. to order subset of 25 dividers to instrument 5x5 array
  • Plan for cabling the insert well underway
    • Some details about number/position of patch panels need to be worked out
    • Make a mock-up?
  • Planning for FCAL refurbishment
    • Sasha ordered cookies for FCAL
    • 200 Pre-cut mylar sheets available at IU
  • Light monitoring system: Arshak started checking cross talk on scope using a 3x3 array, injecting light in the center
    • Found very low level of leakage (~0.025%)
    • Plan to test in beam conditions using PS test stand
  • Students: Zisis mentioned that dates for ResFac need be finalized by February