JEF meeting, April 21, 2023

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Meeting time and location:

  • 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
  • Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965


  • Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
    • Available crystals:
      1450 (modules)
      32 (ready for fabrication)
      40 (installed on CCAL)
      (some CCAL crystals from the inner part will not be used for the FCAL2)
      95 expect to receive from CRYTUR in May [1] Expect to start shipping crystals in the 2nd week of April.
      Total 1617
    • Disassemble the CCAL prototype
25 All modules removed from the detector [2]
Modules installed in the inner part of the CCAL
    • George (DSG group) unwrapped CCAL modules and removed LMS caps. 21 modules are ready for wrapping. Started working on preshaping ESR reflectors (65 pcs) for CRYTUR.
    • Mindy (DSG group) wrapped 17 modules. She continues soldering wires to sockets
    • Chris S. is getting quotes for HV and LV cabled.
    • Ordered 16,000 ft of optical fibers (need to add 8,000 ft to the PO), discussing delivery schedule.
  • Module fabrication -- Sasha
    • Fabricated modules: Total 1482
      Currently available for fabrication: 17 (modules will be available during next week)
  • Testing of PMT dividers -- Sasha / Arshak
    • FCAL2 modules with dividers installed on the CCAL [3]
    • Meeting with Vlad P. on Tuesday next week (final check of the dividers, proceed with the order)
  • Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha / Arshak
Discussion of the FCAL2 installation procedures [5]


Attendees: Igor, Igal, Olga, Tim W., Eugene, Stjepan, Zisis, Phil, Sasha, Arshak, Jon, Liping, Jane, Azizah, Susan, S.T.

  • Disassembly of FCAL-I continues (cables disconnected and dark box disassembled
    • Lead glass being sorted according to some quality criteria in preparation for reassembly
  • COMCAL modules have been unwrapped and caps for LMS have been removed, ready to be rewrapped and fabricated into FCAL-II modules
  • 95 Crytur modules coming soon (in ~1-2 weeks?)
    • ESR being preshaped in advance of their arrival
  • Cable lengths have been finalized, quotes for LV/HV cables have been obtained
  • Translation table is done
  • Sasha in process of doing some final checks of the PMT dividers
    • Latest version slight mismatch in gain compared to spec due to small modification of resistors
    • Plans to meet with V. Popov to discuss fine tuning of divider itself (not amplifier)
    • Some oscillations seen at ~2 mV level from amplifier due to high band width, probably not a problem
  • FCAL installation meeting: discussed interface between lead glass and lead tungstate on left/right sides
    • Idea is to add a layer of rubber to absorb any sharp edges and non-uniformity
  • Hakob from Yerevan will come to help out with module stacking
  • LMS updates
    • Ordered sub-set of optical fibers needed for LMS
    • Rohacel with holes drilled for fibers still being considered
    • Conceptual design for fiber routing has been devised
    • Schedule: final implementation can wait until winter'22/spring'23 if necessary
  • Student participation
    • Sasha working on procedures for various aspects of testing and construction of FCAL-2 elements
    • Tasks include visual inspection and testing of fabricated modules, labeling of signal cables, checking all dividers, fabricating remaining modules,..
  • Arshak went over his presentation on JEF/FCAL-2 for upcoming APS meeting