JEF meeting, April 21, 2023
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Available crystals:
- 1450 (modules)
- 32 (ready for fabrication)
- 40 (installed on CCAL)
- (some CCAL crystals from the inner part will not be used for the FCAL2)
- 95 expect to receive from CRYTUR in May [1] Expect to start shipping crystals in the 2nd week of April.
- Total 1617
- Disassemble the CCAL prototype
- Available crystals:
- George (DSG group) unwrapped CCAL modules and removed LMS caps. 21 modules are ready for wrapping. Started working on preshaping ESR reflectors (65 pcs) for CRYTUR.
- Mindy (DSG group) wrapped 17 modules. She continues soldering wires to sockets
- Chris S. is getting quotes for HV and LV cabled.
- Ordered 16,000 ft of optical fibers (need to add 8,000 ft to the PO), discussing delivery schedule.
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Fabricated modules: Total 1482
- Currently available for fabrication: 17 (modules will be available during next week)
- Fabricated modules: Total 1482
- Testing of PMT dividers -- Sasha / Arshak
- FCAL2 modules with dividers installed on the CCAL [3]
- Meeting with Vlad P. on Tuesday next week (final check of the dividers, proceed with the order)
- Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha / Arshak
- Detector installation page
- Updates from the meetings with Tim's group [4]
- Discussion of the FCAL2 installation procedures [5]
- Manpower and division of tasks
- Projects for summer students
- Summer Students (2023)
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
- Simulations/Analysis
Attendees: Igor, Igal, Olga, Tim W., Eugene, Stjepan, Zisis, Phil, Sasha, Arshak, Jon, Liping, Jane, Azizah, Susan, S.T.
- Disassembly of FCAL-I continues (cables disconnected and dark box disassembled
- Lead glass being sorted according to some quality criteria in preparation for reassembly
- COMCAL modules have been unwrapped and caps for LMS have been removed, ready to be rewrapped and fabricated into FCAL-II modules
- 95 Crytur modules coming soon (in ~1-2 weeks?)
- ESR being preshaped in advance of their arrival
- Cable lengths have been finalized, quotes for LV/HV cables have been obtained
- Translation table is done
- Sasha in process of doing some final checks of the PMT dividers
- Latest version slight mismatch in gain compared to spec due to small modification of resistors
- Plans to meet with V. Popov to discuss fine tuning of divider itself (not amplifier)
- Some oscillations seen at ~2 mV level from amplifier due to high band width, probably not a problem
- FCAL installation meeting: discussed interface between lead glass and lead tungstate on left/right sides
- Idea is to add a layer of rubber to absorb any sharp edges and non-uniformity
- Hakob from Yerevan will come to help out with module stacking
- LMS updates
- Ordered sub-set of optical fibers needed for LMS
- Rohacel with holes drilled for fibers still being considered
- Conceptual design for fiber routing has been devised
- Schedule: final implementation can wait until winter'22/spring'23 if necessary
- Student participation
- Sasha working on procedures for various aspects of testing and construction of FCAL-2 elements
- Tasks include visual inspection and testing of fabricated modules, labeling of signal cables, checking all dividers, fabricating remaining modules,..
- Arshak went over his presentation on JEF/FCAL-2 for upcoming APS meeting