JEF meeting, April 12, 2024
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
- Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- - signal cables - done
- - signal patch panel [1] - done
- - HV short cables: received, checked, labeled (last week)
- - HV long cable, 18 ready (out of 36)
- - HV distribution boards: in preparation
- - LV cables: waiting for about 440 cables (will need to test, label, and bundle)
- - LV distribution boards [2]. Have to populate with connectors, and design a box around the PCB
- Ongoing projects
- Testing of PMT dividers -- Sasha / Vlad / George / Mindy
- - Testing procedure [6]
- - Mindy has finished with preparing all sockets (~1650) !
- - All dividers have been fabricated
- - Need to remove power regulators on about 200 dividers
- - George has tested about 1400 dividers [7].
- - Adding ECAL (and updating FCAL) translation table in the TT.DB (needed for EPICS scalers)
- Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha / Vlad / Hakob / Laveen
- All ePASes are ready for the installation -- Sasha and Vlad
- - need to prepare one for testing dividers and maintenance
- Installation of the LMS
- 1325 fibers have been installed [8]
- Cable and divider installation [9][10][11]
- Bundles with optical fibers for the trigger have been installed (Chris, Armen, Mark). Need to install 2 patch panels [12]
- Receive optical network fibers. Will install them as well as the network switch during next week [13]
- 7 VXS controllers can be booted now [14]
- Detector installation page
- Other hardware projects
- --prototype of the ECAL veto counter
- --study shower profile using PS (also transition region between lead tungstate and LG modules (?) )
- All ePASes are ready for the installation -- Sasha and Vlad
- Analysis/Simulation
- FCAL2 poster for open house?
- JEF/ECAL/FCAL poster
- exhibit stand (modules, PMTs, etc.)
Attendees: Bill, Laveen, Liping, Phil, Igal, Sasha, Vlad, Axel, Olga, Stjepan, S.T .
- Phil is sending a masters student to the lab to work with Igal on ML project
- Have all short HV cables, long cables need to have connectors added
- Work on HV distribution board has not started yet
- Waiting for 440 LV cables
- Bundling/labeling/testing of existing cables continues
- Laveen worked on python script for translation table
- All PMT sockets prepared, work on fabricating dividers continues (~200 need to have LV power regulators removed -- these will need to be retested)
- ~1400 dividers have been tested so far (some suspicious dividers have been identified and repaired)
- Plan to install row by row, make light tight to test a couple rows at a time
- Tool for installing dividers has arrived
- Safety ePASes have been prepared for installation/testing/maintenance
- LMS fiber installation continues -- ~83% done
- Optical fibers for trigger supervisor installed
- Need to install 2 optical patch panels
- Need network switch
- 7 VXS controllers booted, need IP address for crate trigger processor
- Plan to work on 2 poster for upcoming open house (JEF physics + FCAL2 hardware)
- Will also have table for hardware show-and-tell