BLTWG Meeting 01/07/2013
From GlueXWiki
- Time: 11:30 EST
- Place: ESNET and telephone 866-740-1260 (access code 3421244#)
- Connecting: instructions are here
- Present: Richard J., James M., Alex B., Curtis M., Tim W., Alex S., Dan S., Barry R., Mike D., Franz K., Ivan T., Eugene C., and Yi Q.
- Announcements
- Desktop conferencing (EVO alternatives) - Richard
- Communication with Yang regarding TOSCA maps - Richard
- Working with the existing tagger magnet map - Dan
- Study of H10580 high-rate performance - All
- Preparations for the PS detector construction - Ivan
- Site visit for the UConn construction contract - Alex
- Progress toward the CUA construction contract - Franz
- Update from Arizona State - Mike
- Preparations for the microscope construction - James
- Meeting with accelerator about active collimator - Alex