Meeting Time and Place
The meeting will be on Wednesday March 20, 2013 at 11:15am EDT. For those people at Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be in room F326.
Meeting Connections
To connect from the outside:
1.) ESNET:
Call ESNET Number 8542553 (this is the preferred connection method).
2.) Polycom RealPresence App on iOS and Android:
Call 8542553@gk1.es.net
3.) Phone: (should not be needed)
+1-866-740-1260 : US and Canada +1-303-248-0285 : International then use participant code: 3421244# (the # is needed when using the phone) or www.readytalk.com then type access code 3421244 into "join a meeting" (you need java plugin)
MOU and Contract Status
- MOU Status
- Glasgow
- Construction Contracts
Reports from Technical Groups
- Calorimeters
- Calorimetry March 12, 2013
- FCAL 2360/2800 Stacked [1]
- BCAL Readout March 19, 2013
- Tracking March 13, 2013
- TOF March 14, 2013
- Start Counter March 7, 2013
- PID Upgrades March 8, 2013
- Engineering
- Magnet
- Target
- Engineering Activities
- Installation March 15, 2013 Installation
- Electronics
- Technical Design Report
- Trigger March 13, 2013
- DAQ/Monitoring/Controls March 13, 2013
- Offline
- Photon Beam and Tagger March 18, 2013
- Physics March 11, 2013
Present: CMU, UConn, FIU, IU, JLab
ETC is nearly complete. Final version is frozen today. First review will be in the beginning of April. Many activities have been moved to FY14 for budget reasons.
MOU and Contracts:
Foreign visitors MOU still no progress with the DOE. Need MOU for visitors to be paid by the lab.
FIU - working through the university. No response to the RFP.
BCAL: All SiPMs now to USM; 3 SiPMs did not meet specs
Monitoring system now finalized for the BCAL and the FCAL. Athens will begin stuffing the boards soon.
BCAL gluing is going well at a rate of one module per day. Some modules have been stacked into the cradle, but found some dark spots on the joints of one light guide. It was replaced yesterday, but not clear if this is indicative of problems with other joints. Over 50% complete in terms of gluing
CDC ready for data taking soon.
FDC testing the last package. At blue crab open package number 3 that had HV problems. Appears to have contamination on the wires. Cleaned and then still had problems. Opened and re-cleaned.
TOF: All first article counters have been assembled and mounted in the mini TOF at FSU. Minor mechanical adjustments had to be made. Readiness review is on Friday. Chuck, Bruce Lenzer, and Beni are traveling to FSU.
Start Counter: Eljen having some issues bending fibers; return to shape after bent. Waiting for Eljen engineers to resolve. Design of testing stand in progress.
PID Upgrade: no report
Magnet: solenoid cool down below LN2 levels. Some problems with refrigerators. Some power supply issues. EE group working on fixing the supply. Some question about whether the power supply has been radiated. Dan Physik will do preventative maintenance.
Tagger magnets and components are here. Vacuum chamber has been surveyed.
Target refrigerator was able to liquefy Helium and Neon. All was successful.
Pair spectrometer magnet is on the platform. Upstream platform is ready for BCAL tooling and started assembling the BCAL wedges.
Plan to field map solenoid once the solenoid testing is done. Fixture and designs are ready to field map the tagger magnet and the pair spectrometer.
Installation: FDC being delayed by electronics and this impacts the CDC. Schedules need to be examined carefully for dependencies.
Installation of cables and electronics is driving the schedule. Fernando promised to carefully examine the cables and electronics schedule.
Electronics: first items of the TDCs have been checked. The FADC250 are all tested and some repairs remain. First article FADC125 have already arrived.
Trigger: Specifications on the trigger algorithm for the tagger microscope, fixed array, and start counter have been fixed. Document is in preparation. Fast electronics group has started to implement algorithms in the electronics. Work continues to implement cosmic trigger and trigger test stand.
DAQ/Monitoring/Controls: remote participation for online meetings. Working on preparing a list of items for university groups to take on. DAQ test setup in rack room ready. Data format for uncompressed module data format is in place; working on the format for the compressed data format. Deferral will be discussed in the next meeting; the DAQ group might have this already implemented. FCAL/BCAL pulser system will be discussed in controls meeting.
Offline: restructure HDDM format to cleanly separate truth from simulated detector response.
Photon Beam and Tagger: Ongoing work on the pair spectrometer to resolve how to hold fibers onto the SiPMs. There is a need for a second harp that is not in the pair spectrometer construction schedule. Diamond radiator target holder is being worked on by UConn. Active collimator feedback system has been farmed out to accelerator. Tagger mapping plan is ready; need a document to describe the mapping procedure (Dan Sober is working on it).
Physics: Richard will report on electron pion separation based on RadPhi data at the next physics meeting.