Photon Reconstruction in b1pi events

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Thrown photons

PhotonEvsTheta thrown FCAL.png

Reconstructed photons

PhotonEvsTheta recon FCAL.png

Good photons

These are the reconstructed photons whose angles match up with the thrown photons: |\theta _{{recon}}-\theta _{{thrown}}|<0.2^{\circ } && |\phi _{{recon}}-\phi _{{thrown}}|<3.5^{\circ }.

PhotonEvsTheta good FCAL.png ~80% of photons in FCAL reconstructed.


Thrown photons

PhotonEvsTheta thrown BCAL.png

Reconstructed photons

PhotonEvsTheta recon BCAL.png

Good photons

These are the reconstructed photons whose angles match up with the thrown photons: |\theta _{{recon}}-\theta _{{thrown}}|<5^{\circ } && |\phi _{{recon}}-\phi _{{thrown}}|<4^{\circ }.

PhotonEvsTheta good BCAL.png ~65% of BCAL photons reconstructed, energy systematically underestimated.