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July 10, 2014 FDC+CDC meeting


  1. Gas system
  2. DAQ CDC raw data, FDC raw data (Beni)
  3. CDC status [1] (Mike, Beni)
  4. FDC status [2] (Lubomir)
  5. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
  6. Engineering (Bill)
  7. Other

Instructions for Bluejeans meeting connection

FDC meeting ID: 290664653


Participants: Curtis, Naomi (CMU), Luke, Eugene, Dave, Chris, Nick, Simon, Mike, Beni, Fernando, and Lubomir (JLab).

Gas system

- Last Thursday after the FDC meeting Dave and Lubomir connected the power of the gas controls in the gas room to a UPS. When the power was restored the 4-20mA setting of the two masters were different (40mA as usual), but also the settings of one slave channel did change, that never happened before. Dave will see if her can read this setting and either restore them correctly, or issue an alarm. This has to be discussed also with Hovanes.

- On Saturday the switch on the CO2 bottles didn't work when one set of bottles got empty. For one-two hours there was no CO2 flow into the FDC mixing tank, and 0.2l/m (instead of 0.9) going into the CDC mixing tank. The bottom half of the CDC and 25% of the FDC channels tripped. Dave can implement an alarm, but everybody agrees some kind of a messaging system is needed, as well.


- Beni: The attempt to read synchronously the BCAL and the CDC failed. It's not clear why, the ROCs where receiving the data but then it got lost somewhere. Will try it again tomorrow.

- Beni

CDC noise