August 13, 2012 (11:30AM), Physics Working Group

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Meeting Time and Place

Monday August 13, 2012 at 11:30am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


To connect from the outside, please use ESNET

  1. ) ESNET: 8542553
  2. ) Phone connection: 866-740-1260, code 3421244


  1. Announcements?
  2. Updates on reconstruction?
    1. Tracking
    2. Calorimetry
    3. PID
  3. GlueX Analysis System (Paul)
  4. Defining the data challenge? (Curtis)
  5. Amplitude Analysis of b1pi (Igor)
  6. Cascade Simulations (Nathan)
  7. Updates on the Rare Eta decays studies? (Sascha or Liping)
