Mattione GlueX Analysis Factories
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Reaction Analysis Factories
- NOTE: Most of these are located in sim-recon/src/libraries/ANALYSIS/
- DNeutralShower_factory_PreSelect: Pre-selects which DNeutralShower objects should be included in analyses.
- DChargedTrack_factory_PreSelect: Pre-selects which DChargedTrack objects should be included in analyses.
User Input
- DReaction_factory: Creates DReaction objects to be analyzed. Needs to be created in each analysis plugin.
Combo Construction Factories
- DTrackTimeBased_factory_Combo: If a charged PID is needed for an analysis for which a corresponding DTrackTimeBased is not present in the data, a new one is created. E.g. if mu+/- are requested. This uses the reconstructed momentum from the DTrackTimeBased object with the closest mass.
- DDetectorMatches_factory_Combo: Stores the matching between each new DTrackTimeBased object (from the "Combo" factory) and the existing shower/hit objects. No new matching is done, it just uses the matching results from the source object. Also stores the matching results from the default factory.
- DAnalysisResults_factory: Creates the combos via the DSourceComboer class (detailed below). Loops over the DAnalysisAction objects stored in each DReaction, and executing them on the corresponding DParticleCombo. This creates and fills histograms of the number of events and DParticleCombo objects that survive each cut.
Combo Construction Classes (not factories)
- DSourceComboer: Finds all combos of charged tracks / neutral showers necessary to make the desired combos. Calls methods in the other DSourceCombo* classes below as needed. Also is responsible for dE/dx and E/p PID cuts.
- DSourceComboTimeHandler: Responsible for PID timing cuts, binning photons by vertex-z, and RF bunch selection.
- DSourceComboVertexHandler: Responsible for finding pre-kinfit vertex positions for the combos. If is photoproduction step, the POCA to the beamline of the tracks with θ closest to 90 degrees. Otherwise, is the POCA between the two closest tracks.
- DSourceComboP4Handler: Responsible for placing invariant mass and missing mass squared cuts on the combos. Also for reconstructing the P4 of decaying particles as needed.
- DParticleComboCreator: Takes the results from the DSourceComboer and creates DParticleCombo objects from them, along with new DChargedTrackHypothesis and DNeutralParticleHypothesis objects for the tracks (using the combo-specific vertex position for PID, etc.).
Thrown Factories
- DReaction_factory_Thrown: Creates a DReaction object representing the thrown reaction. Final state particles listed in DMCThrown are ignored if they have decayed from pions, kaons, or other "typical" final state particles (e.g. muons, electrons, pions, and neutrinos are ignored if they decay from a kaon, etc.). Also, particles not defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/include/particleType.h are ignored.
- DParticleCombo_factory_Thrown: Creates a DParticleCombo object representing the thrown reaction. The DMCThrown objects are used for the particle data, except pure DKinematicData objects are used for the beam particle and target objects (from DMCReaction). Final state particles listed in DMCThrown are ignored if they have decayed from pions, kaons, or other "typical" final state particles (e.g. muons, electrons, pions, and neutrinos are ignored if they decay from a kaon, etc.). Also, particles not defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/include/particleType.h are ignored.
- DEventRFBunch_factory_Thrown: Creates a DEventRFBunch object for the simulated event.
Analysis Utilities
- DParticleID: (Located in the PID library) Collection of functions used to match charged tracks to hits in the BCAL, FCAL, SC, and TOF, and to calculate the PID FOM from the TOF and DC dE/dx information.
- DMCThrownMatching: Matches reconstructed particles to generated particles. Only the best match for each particle is saved.
- For neutrals, compares the thrown and reconstructed shower momenta and uses the shower covariance matrix to calculate a match FOM. This FOM is NOT cut, so extremely poor matches are included in the results.
- For tracks, compares the hits on the track to the thrown hits. First, the % of the track hits on each thrown track is computed (in the DTrackTimeBased factory), and the highest total is set in DTrackTimeBased (as well as the corresponding DMCThrown::myid). In the DMCThrownMatching factory, for each DTrackTimeBased, the number of matched hits is weighted (multiplied) by the track hit-fraction (#-hits-on-track-matched-to-MC / #-hits-on-track). Matches are then recorded in order from highest weighted-#-hits to least, such that each DMCThrown is only matched once (other matches are ignored). Hit fractions less than DMCThrownMatching::dMinTrackMatchHitFraction (default 0.5, set-able on command-line via -PMCMATCH:MIN_TRACK_MATCH) are ignored.
- Also matches thrown and reconstructed BCAL, FCAL, and TOF hits, although currently only the TOF hits have been vetted.
- DAnalysisUtilities: Collection of utility functions used to facilitate physics analyses. These include methods for calculating invariant mass, missing mass, DOCA, etc.
- DKinFitter_GlueX: See GlueX Kinematic Fitting