August 13, 2014 Calibration

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GlueX Calibration Meeting
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
11:00 am, EDT
JLab: CEBAF Center, F326

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  1. Announcements
  2. Commissioning Planning
  3. Simulations
  4. Online Monitoring
  5. AOT


Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb1/html/talks/2014-3Q on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .


Attending: Sean (NU); Simon, Lubomir, Mark I., Beni, Manuel, Mike S., Eugene, Elton, Mark D. (JLab); Curtis (CMU); Justin (MIT); Volker, Paul, Sasha, Aristeidis (FSU)

We started by discussing the requirements for the Fall running for each subdetector. Note that the Fall 2014 Commissioning Plan contains the official list of items such as radiators and targets.


  • Curtis was out of town so there is no new information beyond what already exists at the CDC commissioning page. For initial calibrations, tracks from any events are sufficient.


  • The first step should be to align the beam with the FDC HV off, so that we are sure that the beam is well inside the "low mass" region of the FDC. One difficult step will be to check the FDC/Start Counter relative alignment. We have a limited ability to move the collimator around.
  • Next, take data with the magnetic field off for FDC alignment. At least 3M events are needed. These are expected to come from the commissioning target and the plastic target attached to the end of the vacuum beam pipe upstream from the magnet.
    • Running with an additional cross-shaped target would be beneficial. Eugene said that this target would have to be placed inside the commissioning target assembly, as there is currently no other place to mount another target upstream. The beam profile monitor could be used as an additional target.
    • Eugene pointed out that we may have to run the solenoid at a very low current instead of zero current. We will need to know how this affects the alignment procedure.
    • Running with a non-standard gas mixture (90/10 Ar/CO2) could be done if the schedule allows.
  • At least 3M tracks are needed with the magnet on to determine resolutions and Lorentz deflection effects.

There was some additional discussion of the properties of the commissioning target

  • The hydrogen target is 2% radiation lengths (R.L.) thick, while a 2 mm plastic target is 0.5^ RL thick
  • More relevant to photoproduction is the difference in the densities (0.1 g/cm^2 versus 1 g/cm^2?)
  • Also, with the plastic target, only ~1/6 of the nuclear recoils will be "clean" protons.
  • Overall, the 2 mm plastic target has very roughly 1/10 of the rate of the hydrogen target?




Start Counter


  • Probably a version of the "standard GlueX trigger" will be used (i.e. primarily FCAL and BCAL energy sums).

Action Items

  • Update desired event counts (all)
  • Update photoproduction event rate calculations
  • How will a low solenoid current affect FDC alignment?