Coil Test Weekly Meeting 24-Jun-2010

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Solenoid Coil Test Weekly Meeting

Location and Time

  • Thu 24-Jun-2010 9:30am ARC 428


  • F117 - Elliott, Tom, Scot, Mark S
    • schedule for hole in the wall, door, when will we move out?
    • can we clean out the room?
  • Safety review - Elliott
    • agenda
      • George - pressure (Steve L), large mechanical structures (John K and/or Suresh), B field (Jennifer W)
      • Josh - ODH (Mat), cryo supply (Mat), cryo devices (Mat)
      • Cody - magnet power (Bill Merz)
      • Elliott - controls (Steve L)
    • list of previous reviews
  • Coil test plan - Josh
  • Magnet power supply commissioning - Cody
    • dump resistor
  • B field - George, Mark S
    • where to place racks?
    • where to plade computers?
  • Controls racks - Scot, Mark S, Cody
    • internet accessible power strips
    • relay cards (for open collector outputs)
    • what else is left to do?
  • PLC programming/testing status - Mark W
    • who else might learn about the Mark's program? Josh? Wesley?
    • do we need another A-B programming license?
  • EPICS <--> PLC communications - Wesley
  • HMI and EWEB programming - Yi, Elliott
  • Installation status - George
  • Coil repair status - George
  • DOE mandated coil replacement plan status - George, Elliott