September 28, 2011 Tracking CDC/FDC

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Revision as of 15:26, 28 September 2011 by Nsjarvis (Talk | contribs) (CDC Update)

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 11:00am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


To connect from the outside, please use ESNET

  1. ) ESNET: 8542553
  2. )To connect by telephone, dial:
  • You can look up toll-free number at
  • US and Canada: (866)740-1260 (toll free)
  • International: (303)248-0285 (toll call)
  • enter access code followed by the # sign: 3421244#


  1. Announcements
  2. FDC Update logbook
  3. CDC Update


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Eugene, Beni, Simon, Lubomir, Dave, Tim

FDC Update

CDC Update

  1. The outer hub is in place in the Al endplate. The CDC will be lowered to horizontal later on today in order to install the other hub and then the gas lines and the outer shell.
  2. Tim said that the Swiss cheeseplate should be delivered in 5 to 6 weeks.
  3. Eugene asked if we would be able to put HV onto some of the wires.