Talk:Reconstruction Tasks and Topics for Further Development
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The Initial List
Entered list as appeared in my notes from the Physics Working Group Meeting, August 29, 2011, with a few additions that occurred to me after the meeting.
--marki 14:38, 30 August 2011 (EDT)
new items from Sep. 7 offline meeting
- many more reconstructed photons than number generated
- proton reconstruction seems very low for b1pi events
- understand causes of failure of track finding/fitting in single-particle/multi-particle events
- chisq problem in track finding stage forward direction, wrong charge hypothesis
- implement new segmentation for BCAL read-out
- fix timing shift in TOF
- fix timing shift in FCAL
- establish convention for time reporting from various detector systems
--marki 11:56, 8 September 2011 (EDT)