TODO reprocessing 2017-01 data
From GlueXWiki
Things to do before reprocessing the 2017 data with the latest software
Everyone should recheck their calibrations. Hopefully this should be pretty straightforward.
New CCDB variation to store calibrations - recon_2017_01_ver05
Run-dependent Calibrations
Calibration | Person | Status |
Overall Timing | Sean Dobbs | done, between v56 and 57 |
BCAL TDC 32 ns offsets | Mark Dalton | |
BCAL run timing | Mark Dalton | |
FCAL pedestal | Igal Jaegle | |
CDC wire gains | Naomi Jarvis | done, before v55 |
CDC dE/dx | Naomi Jarvis | first go done, need to redo after TTOD finishes |
CDC time-to-distance | Naomi Jarvis | recalibrated once after setting new start values, again after v55 & v56 & v57 & v58 |
FDC fine timing | Alex Austregesilo | done with new alignment (11/20/24), will show up in ver56 |
PS/PSC Timing | Beni | |
SC gain | Beni Zihlmann | done, will show up in ver 56 |
TAGH timewalks | ? | not needed, no improvement in procedure. Need to check MC matching? |
TAGM timewalks | Richard Jones | Naomi will ask RTJ, SD, BZ together. Needs new ML method + changes to recon code |
TOF | Beni Zihlmann | done |
Overall Calibrations
Calibration | Person | Status |
BCAL channel timing | Mark Dalton | |
BCAL attenuation length/gain ratio | Mark Dalton | |
BCAL z-position | Mark Dalton | |
BCAL gains/non-linearities | Igal Jaegle | |
FCAL gains/non-linearities | Igal Jaegle | |
FCAL timing | Igal Jaegle | |
SC Timewalks | Viviana Flechas | done |
SC Propagation Time | Viviana Flechas | done |
Beam spot | Simon Taylor | |
Start Counter alignment | Simon Taylor |
Quantity | Person | Run Range |
CDC hit thresholds | Naomi Jarvis | these did not change |
CDC wire mc efficiency | Naomi Jarvis | done, 30000-39999 |
FCAL block efficiencies | Susan Schadmand | |
FCAL block quality | Igal Jaegle | |
FDC wire efficiencies | Alex Austregesilo |
Old List
Need to do
- Analyze the FCAL LED skim
- Extract pedestals for each run
- Bad blocks table for each run
- Recalibrate inner FCAL blocks
- Igal says that if we keep the same 2 calibration periods, he is ready to recalibrate and this should take maybe a couple of weeks
- Gains (2 tables)
- 93676 2017-11-16 10-03-20 2017-11-16 10-03-20 default 30000L-30788L
- 84661 2017-11-07 21-46-51 2017-11-07 21-46-51 default 30789L-inf
- Pedestals (3 tables)
- 55748 2017-04-04 08-31-43 2017-04-04 08-31-43 default 30992L-inf
- 55747 2017-04-04 08-30-47 2017-04-04 08-30-47 default 30400L-30991L
- 55746 2017-04-04 08-30-23 2017-04-04 08-30-23 default 30000L-30399L
- Timing offsets (1 table)
- 82585 2017-10-27 12-55-09 2017-10-27 12-55-09 default 30000L-inf
- Gains (2 tables)
- Decide if we should use the Primex calibration procedure
- Also decide if we should use log-weighted or weighted mean (current default) position
- Igal: Simon is working on finalizing the Island reconstruction algorithm - maybe we want to use this instead
- Igal says that if we keep the same 2 calibration periods, he is ready to recalibrate and this should take maybe a couple of weeks
- Update CDC calibrations
- Decide whether to raise the CDC thresholds in software
- Check tagger calibrations
- Update TOF calibrations
- Fix alignment of start counter
- Benchmark reconstruction software against 2019-11 software version
- Revisit how we handle pedestals (Reference)
Would like to do
- Figure out drift chamber alignment
- study matching to single FCAL blocks
- not that important
- detailed tagger energy calibration
- better calibration of high energy FCAL showers
Which skims to use
We changed several things about the skimming during the run, since that was the first real physics run. So I suggest looking at the skims from the recent recon launch:
- /mss/halld/RunPeriod-2017-01/recon/ver04
- skim_pi0fcal/
FCAL plots
pi0 mass for inner blocks in run period 2017-01 (run 30730) - 25 April 2022 (pdf)
pi0 mass for inner blocks in run period 2018-08 (run 51227) - 25 April 2022 (pdf)
pi0 mass for inner blocks In run period 2017-01 (note that these plots were made using the pi0 skims, whereas the above plots were made with the full raw data, so ignore this plot!! the pi0 skims explicitly rejected in the inner FCAL layers)- 20 April 2022