Sweep Magnet 1

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Sweep Magnet #1 (primary sweeping magnet collimator cave)

The primary sweeping magnet in the collimator cave is a FNAL PDV permanent magnet dipole. The documentation which we received long ago can be found at the following links.

Fermilab PDV documtation doc

Fermilab PDV documentation pdf

The PDV magnet is constructed of magnetized ferrite plates, The cross section of the magnet is shown below.

PVD cross section

The GlueX note describing the deflection of 12Gev electrons by this type magnet is here:

Electron Beam Deflection by Permanent Magnet

Magnet Specifications

PDV properties.gif

PDV design param.jpg


We have a few pictures of the PDV magnets which we have in storage.

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