Summary of March 14, 2012 meeting from Rolf

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The e-mail below was sent out by Rolf on March 14,2012 after the meeting to summarize key points.

Dear all,

    Thanks for the work to come to concise summaries on our
previous self-assigned actions. I think this has been a very
useful communication and collaboration between the four Halls
and other interested parties. Very good!

    Please find attached an example charge as given to me by
Chip Watson, and once more the earlier document on planning for
the software review.

    Here's our further tentative planning, assuming a software
review June 7 + 8:
    Between March 29 and April 4:
        Followup preparatory meeting to discuss
    1) few slides intro on scientific computing outlook by 2015
    2) each Hall one slide on anticipated weaknesses/tight spots
        and one slide on planned management structure

    Week of April 23-27:
        Initial Dry Run: Talk Outlines
            (what you plan to present in each slide)

    May 14 or May 15:
        First Dry Run: Near-complete presentations

    Period of May 24, 25, 29, 30 (dates to be determined):
        Final Dry Run: Timed presentations

                    Best regards,    Rolf