OWG Meeting 24-Jun-2009
From GlueXWiki
- Announcements -
- Review of minutes from 27-May-2009 meeting
- Solenoid coil test To Do list, PLC review results and general update - Elliott
- Discuss online farm software development strategy and status - all
- Electronics and trigger status reports - Fernando, Chris, Ben, Ed, Alex, Dave
- Preparation for Trigger Workshop 8-Jul-2009 - all
1:30 PM Wed 24-Jun-2009 CC F326
One-day Hall D trigger workshop scheduled for Wed 8-Jul-2009 at CNU.
See meeting notes
Next Meeting
1:30 pm Wed 22-Jul-2009 (Trigger Workshop at CNU 8-Jul-2009)
New Action Items from this Meeting
- Schedule "Mock Farm Data Challenge" to exercise farm software from DAQ group, perhaps late this calendar year.
Attendees: Elliott W, Simon T, Alex S, Beni Z, David L.
This was short meeting as most of the regulars were out of town or unavailable.
Trigger Workshop
- Agenda being developed, see Wiki page.
- Hoping for representatives from all four halls.
Solenoid Coil Test
- Briefly discussed Elliott's Coil Test Wiki page, which includes notes and extensive "To-Do" lists.
- One concern was that some names appear repeatedly on the "To-Do" list...can that one person perform all that work?
- With luck we'll hire the Hall D Work Coordinator soon, who will help with the coil test.
Farm System
No one from the DAQ group attended. Main question is who is doing what, and when. David suggested scheduling a "mock farm challenge", perhaps near the end of this year.
Maintaining Expertise
- Need more documentation on how to use test DAQ systems, F1 and FADC boards, etc, particularly for practical things not usually found in the formal documentation.
- Elliott will investigate "knowledge database" software.
- Some combination of Wiki, How-To's, and a knowledge database seems reasonable.