From GlueXWiki
To connect from the outside by phone please do the following
1.) ESNET: 8542553
2.) Polycom RealPrescence App for iOS and Android. Call 8542553@gk1.es.net
3.) Telephone:
Dial +1-866-740-1260 : US and Canada
Dial +1-303-248-0285 : International
Then use participant code: 3421244# (the # is needed when using the phone) or www.readytalk.com then type access code 3421244 into "join a meeting" (you need java plugin)
4.) As of January 1, 2013 EVO became SeeVogh and Jefferson Lab has a contract to use it.
- To connect via SeeVogh, vist their website at research.seevogh.com. Your old EVO credentials are supposed to work. There will be a room booked for the meeting.
- To phone into an EVO meeting, from the U.S. call (626) 395-2112 and then enter the EVO meeting code. Instructions for the Phone Bridge to EVO.
- Skype Bridge to EVO
5.) Please visit the Communications page for some options.