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FDC Weekly Meeting
Date: February 18, 2010
Participants: Daniel, Simon, Beni, Lubomir, Mark S., Bill, Roger, Fernando, Glenn
Next Meeting: February 25, 2010
Construction Space
- Today Tim and Glenn toured EEL 126 to discuss the space issues for FDC construction. Glenn reviewed the situation and our needs. He has asked us to prepare two floor plan drawings for EEL 126. The first with an additional 10 ft added to our space out toward the door. The second all the way the wall by the stairs. He also asked us to provide details on when the space must be in our possession.
General Construction Updates
- The two-layer prototype continues under source tests in the cosmic ray test facility. When we want to open this up to investigate the several HV bus problems and to consider adding the third layer remains to be determined. We probably will aim to do this before the middle of March to give DSC time to work on the detector before he disappears. - Casey and Mark have continued to work on sealing the 24 through-holes in our third prototype layer with epoxy. This work is nearly done and then we will prepare a bench test to check the system out. Bill is worried about leaks problems through the alledged hole in the ground plane between the cathodes being exaserabated by Venturi effects near the gas inlet and outlet. We will plug these holes for the test. Stay tuned. - Brian checked on how the oxygen sensor was tested. It turns out that it was not tested properly. After rechecking, it seems to actually be in fairly reasonable shape. Connected to a nitrogen bottle, it read about 20 ppm of oxygen. The issue with this sensor is that it contains a high impedance sample cell, so it can't be used in series with our gas line. We need to divert a bit of flow. Brian is concerned that with the low pressures that we have on our input and output lines, we may not even get a meaningful oxygen measure at all. He suggests we give it a try. - The preliminary FDC stack assembly document draft is located at: /u/group/halld/Engineering/PRELIMINARY DOCUMENTS. We will review this document in the coming weeks to update out-of-date or old procedures. - Fernando will order a few more aluminum pieces for the preamp cards that he is prepared as we will be about a dozen or so short.
Frame Modification Studies
- The two laminates for the cathode boards (G10 skin + new inner G10 core) were put together and sent to the machine shop to be fly cut to the final thickness. These pieces are expected back this week for attaching the last G10 skin to. These boards will then be ready to attach to the tensioned dummy cathodes. - One dummy cathode board from Kapton is ready for tensioning. The material for the second has arrived and will be put together on the tensioning frame in the next several days. - Bill has put together a few slides showing the frame design changes. - The redesigned frame piece for the wire board is not expected back from the shop for another couple of weeks.
Wire Frame Update
- The wire frame construction document is located at: /u/group/halld/Engineering/PRELIMINARY DOCUMENTS. - Kim has gotten quotes for the wire frame PCBs made from a reduced number of boards. A single piece PCB is out of our price range. She then got quotes for an annulus made up of 4 boards (one STB,one HVTB, two filler boards). The total is about $120k without including board stuffing. We do not yet even have a company lined up that can potentially handle boards this size. We will continue to pursue this option, but time and costs are getting in the way. - Kim expects to be done with her work on the PCB redesign by the end of next week and will then circulate the boards for review. The questions regarding glue strip positioning relative to the solder pads and the location/style of the wire sighting fiducials passed to Keith Solberg at IUCF have not gotten a response. DSC contacted Keith earlier this week to give him a reminder. We want to start the procurement process for the circuit boards by the end of March.
Cathode Update
- The current draft of the cathode construction document is located at: /u/group/halld/Engineering/PRELIMINARY DOCUMENTS. - Casey has prepared a document for QA/stuffing/cleaning for the cathode daughter boards. You can read this document as it stands now. - In order to officially accept the cathode board material, we have asked for the company to provide a sample piece for us to test. The sample has arrived at JLab and DSC did some inspection and measurements. All looks good. Fernando will take a final look before we sign off on the material. When we are ready, we will notify Roger and he will complete the notifications to the relevant JLab and company reps. - The next rigid-flex design meeting will take place later this month. - We would like to push to get the cathode board procurement done by the end of March. - David Lawrence is working to give us input on the hole size in the cathode center. Stay tuned.
Prototype Testing
- The current version of the full-scale prototype test plan is on the GlueX portal as (GlueX-doc-1304). - To connect the full-scale prototype to the readout electronics, Fernando is designing a simple translator board that allows connection from the 24-channel preamp connector to the 16-channel connectors on the ADCs and TDCs. These boards should be ready by the end of this month. - The signal cables for the full-scale prototype are being made up by Fernando's group and should be ready shortly. - The two-layer prototype has been under tests for several weeks. Beni has been measuring plateau curves and studying drift time spectra. His most recent studies are in the FDC Log Book (see entries 423 to 427). He studied the plateau and drift time distributions for a long wire at positions of 21 cm, 7 cm, 2.5 cm, and 1 cm from the edge of the frame. He will also move to repeat these studies with a short wire. - Beni has been battling some HV/current problems in the two layers of the FDC prototype. He tried reverse biasing the chamber. This seemed like it led to some improvement in the currents and biasing behaviors, but it is not clear if it was a long-term effect. Some of these mysteries will have to wait until the chamber is opened up again. Beni will probably have to mount his source/trigger scintillator on the other side of the chamber to finish his work due to the number of problematic busses on the chamber side he has been studying. - Beni has recently changed the gas mixture from 40/60 Ar/CO2 to 60/40 Ar/CO2 to study the effect of the chamber performance on the gas mixture. Results coming soon. - Beni will be including the cathode preamp card and hooking it up to ADC readout shortly. - Fernando will pursue purchasing enough cathode ground boards for all six cathode planes for the full-scale prototype. - A while ago we focussed on the wiggles seen in the reconstructed wire position from the cathodes (see log entry 419) in the FDC logbook. We believe that the periodicity seen is due to the algorithm Beni is using to determine the U and V centroids. Stay tuned.
Construction Updates
- No new updates on the wire inspection this week. - DSC has contacted Keith Solberg at IUCF regarding the status of the review of the Phase 3 budget for the wire winding. Keith indicated that this work is in progress and should be done shortly. - It is time for the next Phase 3 preparation meeting with Keith Solberg, Bill, and DSC. DSC will work to schedule this only after we have a preliminary Phase 3 budget in our hands. See the work plan at: Phase 3 Preparation Work - Master list on wire and cathode frame redesign work is located at: Frame Modification Work. - Bill continues working on a brief write-up of the summer IUCF work. When it is completed, we will circulate it for discussion with Tim and others. It will then be sent on to IUCF for budget estimates.
Mechanical Prototype
- DSC prepared a brief write-up regarding the FDC full-scale mechanical prototype. It was circulated around to a small group of folks. We will do a bit of work to beef this up and then post it for group comment.
Work List
- The FDC short-term work list has been posted on the FDC web site. This is continually being updated and DSC welcomes any feedback or comments from the group.
Minutes prepared by Daniel. Send any comments or corrections along.