Mar 12, 2015 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 11 a.m.
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
- BCAL pedestals: Tegan (UofR) will summarize the determination of pedestals in a note with plots in preparation for the collaboration meeting.
- Wish-list of action items: discuss attached document (Media:BCAL_Action_Items-2015.pdf) and add chosen items to Wiki page. Zisis will update the list
- Will: Create histograms to determine number of pi0s and pi0 width for online monitoring.
- Work with Hovanes to activate VME LED pulser setup for FCAL (Elton)
- FCAL HDFCAL log book
- BCAL HDBCAL log book
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run conditions
- BCAL temperature, overbias settings (Elton)
- Data with mode8
- HV updates for FCAL (Manuel)
- Efficiency in BCal Bias Scan (Foda)[2]
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Changes to reconstruction with single-ended hits (Mark)
- Calibration
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, Adesh, Will (L207); Manuel (Hall D); Sean (NW); Zisis, Tegan, Noemi, Ahmed (UofR)
- Announcements
- Accelerator close to delivering 3-beam operation
- Beam loss monitors are currently preventing beam delivery to Hall A at five passes.
- Solenoid is at 1200 A
- Hoping for beam this evening.
- Action Items
- Run conditions
- BCAL temperature, overbias settings (Elton)
- T=10degC for chiller (~11-12 degC on SiPMs), voltage setting for 12 degC, overbias setting is 1.4 V
- Data with mode8. Most data will be taken in mode7.
- Expect to take about 1 hour of mode 8 data per shift
- Need to check that mode 7 data quality is similar to mode 8 running.
- HV updates for FCAL (Manuel)
- New EPICS GUI displays 100 pmt voltages at a time (one string).
- Granularity gives better impression of status of FCAL than previous GUI. However, still with several dozen pmts off, most of the FCAL shows red.
- At the top right the number of pmts not enabled is listed (typically couple of dozen) and updates regularly. This is currently the best diagnostic of the FCAL status.
- A significant problem occurs now that the FCAL Anagate system is connected to EPICS. The EPICS IOC reboots every couple of hours. This in turn causes a couple of pmts to be turned off. The consequence is that over time, many pmts are found off.
- Manuel and Hovanes are trying to find the root cause of the reboots.
- Efficiency in BCal Bias Scan (Foda)[5]
- Efficiency was determined for runs with different bias 0.9, 1.2 and 1.4 V. The efficiency increases for nominal clusters by 4-5% for 1.4 V relative to 1.2 V. (Increase for "enhanced efficiency" is only about 1%).
- No time variation is seen in the (limited) data taken, but temperature was unusually constant during this period.
- Based on these measurements it was decided to try running at 1.4 V above bias. Threshold scans at 1.2 and 1.4 V should be taken checking efficiency as well as quantity of data.
- Other: Zisis inquired about possible improvements in AC unit. Elton: Tim is working with plant services and a) diffusing cold air directed at BCAL crates b) adding temperature sensors at crate c) evaluating optimization of AC operating modes.
- BCAL temperature, overbias settings (Elton)
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Changes to reconstruction with single-ended hits (Mark)
- Elton: Mark (not present) has investigated what is needed to include single-ended hits into the cluster algorithm and the effort may take time and needs substantial checking.
- Changes to reconstruction with single-ended hits (Mark)
- Calibration
- Feb LED runs (Noemi)[6]
- Updated the group on the work she completed while at JLab. This included getting the LED pulser to work and check that all ADC and TDC channels are now working.
- The TDC script had to be modified to take a single hit instead of multiple ones. Further updates can check the timing of the pulses and select them that way.
- pi0 calibration (Will)
- Log Entry 3324355
- New calibration constants have been prepared and will be uploaded to the DB so that they can be used by the upcoming run period.
- Plots of number of pi0s and signal/background as a function of total energy in the BCAL will be added to log book. These can be useful in making decisions regarding trigger settings.
- Will is adding a plugin to monitor the pi0 mass peak online. Elton is adding a plugin to monitor the efficiency online.
- Amount of data needed for calibration (Elton)
- GlueX-doc-2677
- Reviewed the logic behind the amount of data that is needed for calibration of BCAL and FCAL, presented at the RC meeting on Monday. Estimated time is 1-2 weeks for 10x statistics from last run.
- pi0 and electron calibration (Adesh)[7]
- E/p plotted vs p. Select band around E/p~1 as electrons
- Elton: Why is the band decreasing toward the minimum ionizing level (looks like E/p and E plots are interchanged)? Not clear.
- Take track projections to FCAL and use sum of 25 blocks (e25) surrounding projected impact to use as estimator of shower energy
- Use e25/p as a estimator of FCAL gain for blocks within 60 cm of beamline.
- These calibration constants were used to check uniformity of LED data and width of pi0 peak.
- It appears the new constants improve the quality slightly relative to uncalibrated.
- Elton: How does this compare to constants determined by minimizing the pi0 width? Not clear, but will investigate.
- Sean: Would like the best set of constants available to the loaded into the dB by tomorrow as baseline for the upcoming run. Adesh will use e25/p gains for inner blocks and LED uniformity gains for outer blocks and load db by tomorrow.
- Pedestals (Tegan)
- See Log Entry 3325545 (Log Entry Added after meeting)
- Determined pedestal widths at 12, 18 and 24 degrees. There is a general trend of an increase in average sigma of between 0.05 and 0.10 in going from 12 degrees to 24 degrees.
- Feb LED runs (Noemi)[6]
- Any other business