June 30, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Connection details
- Meeting time: Thursdays 3:30pm
- Zoom link: https://gwu-edu.zoom.us/j/92338509872?pwd=QUltQnJIWlFBRm5MQnp6TnRML3M4UT09
- Meeting ID: 923 3850 9872 Passcode: 440162
- Link to all previous meetings: Hall D SRC/CT Weekly Technical Meetings
Meeting Minutes
- Next monitoring pass and full data cook
- Monitoring launch ver 06 should start soon. Wait for Keigo to finish the recalibration of FDC.
- Will get in touch with all the experts that handled the detector calibrations to do a final check before the full data cook
- Full data cook is expected to start at some time next week.
- Physics analysis roadmap presentations
- Jackson: ALP search and SRC universality
- Bhesha: Color transparency
- Bo: Phi meson production on proton, neutron and coherently
- Should we upload the slides to DocDB to make them only accessible to JLab people?
- Background simulation
- Bggen from Hall D, based on Pythia. Now only works for proton target
- New time for the Monday meeting: set up a doodle pool
- Old JLab papers on meson production have many good examples to do fits to extract the cross section. (on SRC@GlueX wiki page)
- Do we need to sign up for presentation one month before?