June 29, 2006

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Below I list some BCAL test issues/concerns/decisions discussed at assorted meetings during the past week at JLab (H-B engineering meeting, GlueX software mtg, meeting w/Dave Kashy H-B engineer, GlueX phone meeting, etc.).

Note that you can find the H-B BCAL test engineering drawings at http://www.jlab.org/~zarecky under "BCAL".

In roughly chronological order, from my notes, with relevant persons noted in parenthesis:

- beam scheduled to arrive on 22-Sep (Larry Cardman, Accelerator div)

- RadPhi racks and alcove need to be cleaned out (Elliott; Doug and Chris have completed this work)

- long-term staging areas will not be needed, all work will be done in the alcove (Zisis says so)

- H-B engineer requests schedule for installation, surveying, crane, etc, esp. requests for H-B technician time (Elliott with help from Eric,Zisis)

- H-B engineer requests full beamline specification ASAP (Elliott with help from Elton,David,Franz,Dan)

- only two days for transition between BCAL and TPE tests (Dave Kashy)

- elog being set up now, should be ready soon (Greg,Elliott)

- need full trigger timing diagram incl tagger (Elliott w/help from Eugene)

- new network switches and terminal servers needed in RadPhi area (Elliott, H-B is taking care of this)

- patch cables needed to connect to CLAS (Elliott, built by Electronics group)

- equipment will arrive at JLab towards the end of Aug (Zisis, Eric)

- alcove will be ready for use by 25-Aug (Doug)

- primary collimator size likely can be 2.6 mm (Rafael,Zisis)

- current plan is to read out both E and T counters (Franz,Dan,Elton; Elliott will implement)

- we need surveying strategy, type and location of survey marks, schedule, etc. (Eric)

- deck is 7' x 14' x 1" thick steel (Doug)

- we will use the Primex beam photon monitor mounted somewhere upstream of the BCAL module; support, power, readout, etc. needed (David, Elliott will help)

- CLAS target will be in place but empty, has three thin windows: two 7 mil mylar, one 3 mil Al (Dave Kashy)

- all limiting apertures other than the primary collimator in the CLAS beam line should be significantly larger than photon beam itself (Dave Kashy)

- there may be other beamline instrumentation available (Elliott,Elton will investigate)

- when/where will we install the UConn active collimator prototype (Richard,Elliott)

- there may be a step/lip at the junction of the platform and alcove (Doug,Eric must acommodate this)

- need to check for interferences between the BCAL/cart and platform railings, handrails are 42" above platform, beam 59" above (Eric)

- pair spectrometer magnet works but it is currently NOT instrumented; adding nstrumentation is possible (?)

- many new radiators installed (Dave Kashy)

- need oscilloscopes (Elliott)

- there will be no cosmic tests at URegina (Zisis)

- Eric posted many engineering drawings on the portal (Eric)

I'm sure I've missed something...please let me know...

Finally, there will be a phone meeting with the H-B engineering staff Thurs 6-Jul at 11am.