July 13, 2023
From GlueXWiki
Connection details
- Meeting time: Thursdays 3:30pm
- Zoom link: https://gwu-edu.zoom.us/j/92338509872?pwd=QUltQnJIWlFBRm5MQnp6TnRML3M4UT09
- Meeting ID: 923 3850 9872 Passcode: 440162
- Link to all previous meetings: Hall D SRC/CT Weekly Technical Meetings
Meeting minutes
- Bo mentioned the new analysis launch is being prepared and expected to be online this weekend
- Or joined the meeting and showed the latest version of the new proposal. He hopes to get some estimate of the cross section ratio of rho0, p, p and rho-, p, p channels. He asks if Jackson, Phoebe and Tim can help on this in the next few days. After Or left, they coordinated on how to run the simulation and analyze the data.
- Bhesha asked Jackson about the re-copilation of the simulatio software
- Tim also checked on how Lucas is doing