January 19, 2023
From GlueXWiki
Connection details
- Meeting time: Thursdays 3:30pm
- Zoom link: https://gwu-edu.zoom.us/j/92338509872?pwd=QUltQnJIWlFBRm5MQnp6TnRML3M4UT09
- Meeting ID: 923 3850 9872 Passcode: 440162
- Link to all previous meetings: Hall D SRC/CT Weekly Technical Meetings
Meeting minutes
- Phoebe asks Tim about the reason to make a multiplicity (combos per event) plot with the accidental weights included. Then some discussions on how to mitigate this high-multiplicity problem (uniqueness tracking? multi-combo weight?)
- Bhesha shows some plots to compare between missing neutron and missing unknown on deuterium target
- Phoebe asks about the difference between number of unused showers and energy of unused showers. Also asks about how to simulate the change of run conditions across the run range.
- Bhesha mentions about whether we can access the luminosity numbers in CCDB
- Tim discusses with Jackson about the status of the ALP study.