Jan 25, 2022 PrimEx-eta (informal) Calibration & Analysis Meeting
From GlueXWiki
Time and Place
- Time: Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022 at 9:30 am EST.
- Room: Online
Meeting Connections
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- Announcements
- Status of Calibrations
- Run Validation phase I -- https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/RunPeriod-2019-01_Validation
- Run Validation phase II -- https://halldweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/RunPeriod-2021-08_Validation
- Calibration Updates:
- Tagger (Tyler)
- PS & Alignment (Sasha)
- FCAL (ig)
- PrimEx-eta phase2 FCAL energy calibration
- SRC FCAL time/energy calibrations
- CCAL (Drew)
- Analysis Updates:
- Drew
- Tyler
- ig
- MC simulation Updates
- Production (ig)
- New samples for eta & pi0
- Production (ig)
Presents: Alex, Drew, Jackson, Simon, Tyler, & ig
- How to veto tracks? By Simon.
- DChargedTrack object list all track hypotheses, the best hypotheses should be sorted then
- DTrackTimeBased object list tracks with matching hit in other (fast) detectors, the time of this (fast) detector is then used as the track time
- Drift time is too long to be used with RF hence DTrackTimeBased
- To veto tracks we can either use
- DChargedTrack/DTrackTimeBased by requiring no tracks corresponding to these cuts
- Or zero DTrackTimeBased
- We can also use lower-level object: DFDCSegment_factory and request no segments "fired"
Veto efficiency systematics might be a problem in all 3 cases. In short, we have to try the different track-based veto possibilities
- Calibration status
- Tagger (Tyler), microscope time-walk has been published last Friday, Tyler is currently checking its application. Tyler will take over Sasha for the tagger fine-tuning i.e. correct misaligned individual tagger channel
- CCAL (Drew). Compton events are used for the calibration. Drew roughly two weeks to finish the calibration
- FCAL (ig), gains matching should finish this week for both PrimEx-eta phase 2 and SRC data sets. Calibration is on track to be finished between mid-Feb and end-Feb
- Alignment (Drew). Drew analysis is not in agreement with Simon. We have to decide which values to use
- Analysis
- Compton paper, what is missing? (Drew & Sasha)
- Matching MC simu & data is still a problem. Drew will try to fold a fudge factor in the final observed quantities eg DeltaK
- Alignment between CCAL/FCAL/beam is an issue
- Compton paper, what is missing? (Drew & Sasha)
- MC simulation (ig): new samples are available for validation. Once validated by Drew & Tyler, ig will launch a MC simu. production most probably after Sasha will finish the PS calibration on gxproj2
- Skimming two-photon events will start afterward (probably in two weeks for now)