JEF meeting, September 9, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Simulations/Analysis
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
Attendees: Sasha, Tegan, Arshak, Zisis, Phil, Jon, Olga, Jane, Liping, Tim B., Axel., S.T.
- 10 more Crytur crystals arrived -- delivery rate is ~40-50/month
- Sasha met with Tim and Fernando regarding installation plans for next year
- Want thin readout cables with (rather expensive) lemo connectors
- Plan to make meeting more regular
- 75 more PMT housing units are arriving soon
- Light guides becoming available
- Waiting for brass straps (need ~300)
- Detector support group working on wrapping modules
- Module production to resume this week
- Sasha plans to test PMT dividers before collaboration meeting
- NPS saw noise issues -- hopefully with our lower amplifier gain this will not be an issue
- Arshak is preparing a report on LMS efforts
- Current design uses 2 plexiglas pieces
- Uniformity at the level of 20% except near edges -- working on attenuation of the light in these regions
- Light input currently from both top and sides -- Sasha suggested maybe switch to sides only?
- Suggested stack some crystals near plexiglas, check for crosstalk
- Will need to redo FCAL2 plexiglas (need to cut out the inner part) -- maybe need new plexiglas?
- Plan to use FCAL system for control