JEF meeting, September 30, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Simulations/Analysis
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Received 100 PMTs (the last batch) [1]
- All PMTs have been checked (measured diameter)
- 39 PMTs were exchanged with the NPS (they are slightly tight)
- Wrapped CRYTUR crystals: 707 (15 since last week)
- Available for wrapping: 722 - 707 = 15
- DSG group continues wrapping
- List of available parts
- Received 100 PMTs (the last batch) [1]
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Status of fabrication
- Fabricated modules: Total 1247 (25 modules fabricated since last week)
- 671 CRYTUR, available: 51
- Updates from the FCAL installation meetings with Tim's group -- Sasha
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
Attendees: Olga, Sasha, Arshak, Bill, Phil, Axel, Azizah, Igal, S.T.
- Received last batch of PMTs -- now have 1610 in total + 144 in COMCAL
- Olga, Igla, Sasha did pre-selection based on diameter and traded with NPS
- Have 1400 light guides, need 200 more
- Have 75 PMT housings (have been annealed) of 300 needed
- Need to check diameters
- Crystal wrapping continues. As of the meeting 5 were left over needing wrapping
- Expect 105 crystals from JLab pool + 50 more to arrive next month
- Week of 10/3, Sasha expects to find time to work on PMT dividers
- Contract with GWU for divider work
- Need to check for possible noise problems seen by NPS (but they are using a higher amplifier gain than we expect to use)
- Engineering/installation meetings now biweekly
- Discussing cabling (using thin RG-XX cables (not sure of the number))
- Discussing unstacking and storage of lead glass blocks
- Discussed connection plan for crates for insert
- Sasha mentioned need for students in the late spring/summer of next year