JEF meeting, September 16, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Simulations/Analysis
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Crystals.
- 45 CRYTUR crystals received from Physics division
- currently available/ordered + CCAL: 1593 + (9) + 20 (recent order) = 1622 (may need to order more spares (?) )
- Wrapped CRYTUR crystals: 687
- - Available for wrapping: 722 - 687 = 35
- - DSG group continues wrapping
- Preparation of parts
- Crystals.
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Status of fabrication
- Fabricated modules: Total 1221
- 645 CRYTUR, available: 77
- Updates from the FCAL installation meetings with Tim's group -- Sasha
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
Attendees: Bill, Arshak, Axel, Sasha, Phil, Jane, Igal, Jon, Liping, S.T.
- Received another 48 Crytur crystals (out of 150)
- Expect 70 more from subsequent orders
- Detector support group working on wrapping crystals
- Only need about 200 light guides
- Expect 100 PMTS this month
- Received 75 PMT housings
- Waiting for brass straps
- Grand total fabricated modules = 1221, 77 more crystals ready for fabrication
- Installation meetings will resume week of 9/19/22
- Discussed patch panels for signal cables (with lemo connectors)
- Week of 9/19/22: Sasha to resume PMT divider bench tests
- Dividers need to ordered in October