JEF meeting, May 29, 2020
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location= 9:00 am EST (JLab time) Bluejeans only
Connection instructions
We are using BlueJeans Video/Audio conferencing. Our meeting ID number is 992533564. Click "Expand" for more details.
- Make sure you have created a BlueJeans account via your JLab CUE account using this link:
- (You should only need to do this once)
- If connecting via Web Browser: click this link (no passcode is needed):
- If connecting via Phone: Dial one of the following numbers and then enter the meeting ID above and hit "#" or "##"
- Dial: 1 888 240 2560 (US or Canada only)
- or, List of International Numbers
- If connecting via Polycom unit:
- Dial or
- Enter meeting ID above
- SICCAS crystals
- Preparation for module fabrication
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc.
- Preparations for PAC meeting (jeopardy)
- Simulations
- Changes to repository to implement FCAL-II geometry on github:
- HDGeant4 branch: FCALHybrid
- halld_recon branch: FCALHybridV2
- HDDS branch: FCALHybrid
- Generator for η events: $HALLD_SIM_HOME/src/programs/Simulation/genEtaRegge
- Changes to repository to implement FCAL-II geometry on github:
Attendees: Igal,Zisis,Varun,Jane,Josh,Tim B.,Sasha,Phil,Arshak,Liping,Jon,S.T.
- No updates on procurements
- Liping and Sasha are working on drafts for PAC jeopardy
- We had a discussion of the state of the simulation for the insert.
- Simplified model of the geometry exists on a github branch
- Will need to be modified for the more complicated stacking geometry:[1]
- Adapt script by Sasha to generate required xml file?
- Need to migrate code changes to master branch
- Simplified model of the geometry exists on a github branch
- We discussed making changes to JEF wiki (description of new channels, make some info public -- Zisis to work on splash page/public region?)