JEF meeting, June 11, 2021
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location= 9:00 am EST (JLab time) Bluejeans only
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- SICCAS crystals
- Module fabrication
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc.
- Data analysis
- GlueX-I eta yield estimates (Jon) [1]
- Simulations
Attendees: Igal,Jon,Bill,Susan,Sasha,Jared,Azizah,Varun,Liping,Tim W.,Igor,Zisis,S.T.
- Plan to set up follow-up meeting with SICCAS next week(?) after SICCAS meets with one of their vendors
- No update on crystal delivery
- Sasha has been spending most of his time working on getting COMCAL ready to go for upcoming PrimEx run
- Almost finished checking PMT dividers: found a few outliers with larger divider current or smaller amplitudes, put aside to be replaced
- Visually inspected all COMCAL crystals, checking for quality of coupling to PMT (with optical grease)
- Saw some bubbles, some evidence that grease had dried out
- For several modules (~20%), reapplied grease and reinstalled -- looks like this improved coupling
- Question: how long does the optical grease last?
- Progress continues in refurbishment of LMS for COMCAL
- Fibers to be reinstalled next week
- Fernando making progress on PMT divider/amplifier redesign for FCAL-2, plan to build ~2 prototypes
- Chris A. working on brazing of brass straps
- Adjusting temperature control -- some evidence of overheating?
- Flux has to be cleaned off carefully to avoid corrosion
- Reproduced force analysis
- Liping will send 2 students to JLab for the summer now that lab is in MedCon-4
- Liping will be hiring postdoc to work on PrimEx/JEF-related efforts
- Jon presented estimates of number of ηs produced in 2γ, π+π-π0, and 3π0 channels for Spring'17 + Spring'18 + Fall'18 data sets
- Agreement in t-dependence of 3 channels is very good
- Models tend to overestimate differential cross section
- Guess for systematic error is ~10% level (differences in 3 channels, luminosity,...)
- Plan for η cross section publication
- Igal presented a first study for sensitivity to S→π+π- in the channels η→π0S, η'→π0S; η'→ηS
- Kinematic fit but no mass constraints
- In data see clear signals for η→π0π+π- and η'→ηπ+π-, but no signal seen in η'→π0π+π-
- Estimated pdf and efficiency for S in the three search channels