JEF meeting, June 10, 2022
From GlueXWiki
meeting time and location
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Simulations/Analysis
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Summer Students (2022)
- Moving crystals from JLab's pool to the Lab [1][2] Moved 335 CRYTUR crystals (need 550).
- Preparation of parts[3][4][5]
- Wrapped CRYTUR crystals
- Students reports
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Status of fabrication
- Fabricated modules (list on Google Drive) Grand total 519
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak