JEF meeting, July 29, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location=
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Simulations/Analysis
- Island algorithm update (Simon) File:Ia update 0729.pdf
- Preparation of parts for FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Preparation of parts[1][2][3]
- Preshaping ESR foils (with the DSG)
- Wrapping crystals (with the DSG)
- Preparing Silicon cookies
- Module fabrication
- Cleaning brass assemblies
- Gluing light guides
- Wrapped CRYTUR crystals: 654
- All currently available (consider to borrow some spares from NPS)
- Preparation of parts[1][2][3]
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Status of fabrication
- Fabricated modules: Total 1064
- 487 CRYTUR, Remaining: 167
- Clean room EEL126
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
Attendees: Bill, Zisis, Phil, Tegan, Sasha, Jon, Azizah, Axel, Karthik, Liping, Jane, Olga, S.T.
- Simon gave an update on η→π0γγ signal/background studies using updated island code
- Two parameters play off merging vs. splitting of clusters
- Liping pointed out that Igal's presentation from previous week showed sharp cut-off in efficiency below 4 cm cluster separation
- Igal and Simon will check for consistency, also look at quality of energy sharing between clusters
- Two technicians working on brazing brass assemblies, 2 new students working on module preparation and fabrication
- Some early modules being refurbished
- Module fabrication stalled due to missing components
- PMT housing have all been used, new ones being annealed
- Light guides
- Grand total fabricated modules up to 1064
- 50 Crytur modules arriving/month
- Moving to new lab week of August 1
- 25 PMT dividers have been prepared, put on COMCAL in January?
- Student manpower for next year: Phil to look into SULI
- Liping encouraged students to apply to present contribution to FCAL2 project at upcoming DNP
- Deadline August 2