JEF meeting, July 26, 2024
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
- Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- - HV long cable: Sammy and Mindy have to assemble 10 cables
- - HV distribution boards. Chris has completed the design of the HV distribution boards. We met with Chris, Tim, and Scot regarding location of the boards on the detector frame
- - LED: Started testing the prototype of the LMS (need to make the detector room light tight)
- Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha / Vlad / Hakob / Laveen
- Report from students [1]
- Installation of HV cables [2]
- Installation and testing cables and dividers [3]
- Installation of long signal cables [4]
- Installation LV patch panels and cables [5]
- Installation of optical fibers [6]
- Detector installation page
- Safety briefings
- Students -- Sasha
- - Expect one student from Wuhan, paperwork is in process.
- Beam tests with the PS
- measure shower beam profile and reconstruction in the crystal/LG transition region
- (install prototype with 5x5 PbWO4 modules + ? LG)
- Other hardware projects
- prototype of the ECAL veto counter (?)
- Analysis/Simulation
Attendees: Igal, Bill, Phil, Sasha, Laveen, Vlad, Liping, Zisis, Olga, Ilya, S.T.
- Detector support group assembling HV cables (have 26 out of 36)
- Design of HV distribution board completed, boards need to be installed in hall
- Have prototype for LED driver pcb for LMS
- Cabling of detector continues, starting upper part of ECAL
- Goal to finish by end of August
- Plan to check layer-by-layer after row of PMT dividers installed
- Need to think about checking with DAQ, but DAQ won't be fully ready until (perhaps) September
- Igal presented an update on his continuing η→π0γγ studies
- Argued that boost argument for background suppression is not valid for this channel
- Argued that running at lower beam energies than nominal GlueX settings might be beneficial for JEF program because the η cross section is higher and 2π0 background appears to be lower
- Compared data for Eγ>8.3 GeV and 3 < Eγ < 6 GeV
- Fit using shapes from MC appears to work well
- No significant signal for η→π0γγ seen in any of M(π0γγ) distributions
- Ilya and S.T. exchanged plots showing close shower separation for two showers in insert using two different implementations of island algorithm showing good agreement
- Zisis suggested writing an internal report about the current state of analysis/simulation for JEF -- S.T. agreed to start working on a draft