JEF meeting, December 13, 2024
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- -Four boxes for HV distribution boards have arrived to the lab. PCBs with HV connectors were installed on 2 distribution boards [1][2]
- -Updated design of the LMS light source with 25 LEDS. PCB layout under preparation, expect to order the new PCB during next week.
- -Four temperature sensors (RTD) arrived to the lab. They will be installed in the ECAL divider region during next week.
- -Two additional fans for cooling the ECAL dividers arrived. Will be installed today.
-Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha, All
- Implementing ECAL into the GlueX DAQ [3]
- - rocecal3 crate was fixed [4] (initial DAQ implementation [5])
- - implementing flash ADC scalers [6][7]
- - translation table for the ECAL (finalize/check translation DB, generate xml file, import to the CCDB) - done [8]
- - implementing and verifying ECAL LMS trigger [9]
- - implementing and verifying the ECAL physics trigger. First event reconstructed using the GlueX software [10]
- - Start implementing VTP trigger modules. Requires modification of firmware. The trigger crates may be unavailable for 1 - 1.5 months.
- - The VTP was installed in the D2-1-TOP crate, IP address assigned, and can be booted now
- - New version of DAQ, VTP included as a DAQ component [11]
- Installation of scintillating paddles for cosmic tests [12] [13][14]
- ECAL HV interlock check [15]
- Cable map of the ECAL LG modules after installing ECAL [16]
- Reinstalling cables on the ECAL LV distribution board [17]
- Safety briefings - Vlad, Sasha
- Detector installation page
- Commissioning north part of the ECAL (instrumented with 2 temporary HV distribution boards) [18][19][20][21]
- Commissioning of the south bottom region [22]
- Commissioning of the south top region [23]
- Fix LV issues (north top region) [24]
- First cosmic event in the ECAL [25]
- Temperature scan in the ECAL divider region [26][27][28][29]
- Meeting with Tim, additional fans will be installed
- Repairing a few ECAL LMS optical fibers [30][31]
- Preparing for the installation of the insulation on the detector face
- Preparing for the run -- Sasha
- Page for shift Takers
- ECAL in the Experimental Safety Assessment Document (ESAD)
- EPAS for Maintenance of the Hall D ECAL (Jlab-PTW-5236)
- FCAL2 Engineering Meetings
- Remaining installation tasks
- - Installing additional fans (will be installed today)
- - Installing insulation on the detector's face (done)
Restoring PS test setup [34]
ECAL commissioning -- Sasha, All
Laveen update[[35]]