JEF meeting, April 29, 2022
From GlueXWiki
meeting time and location
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Preparation for mass production of FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Summer Students (2022)
- DSG:
- 860 SICCAS foils preshaped. Need to preshape about 40 more, will switch to CRYTUR foils then
- Wrapping rate: about 20 crystals per week
- Chris A continues to braze starps (have right now about 40 assemblies)
- Igal continues cutting ESR, Tedlar, and Kapton foils
- Silicon cookies (GWU)
- Olga is planning to come in the beginning of next week and bring some cookies (about 400), see her report
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Cabling of the FCAL insert -- Sasha
- Meeting with Fernando, Tim, and Chris S. regarding LV cable distribution [1]
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc. -- Sasha
- Design of the 3x3 calorimeter prototype (by Bobby B.). It will be installed on the TAC platform during the CPP run and used for other tests later.
- Data analysis
- Simulations
- Workshops/external meetings
- DNP 2022 fall meeting: DNP 2022 web site
- Proposed ECT* ( workshop
Attendees: Bill, Igal, Sasha, Zisis, Jane, Phil, Tegan, Arshak, Jon, Azizah, Susan, Tim W., Olga, Liping, Tim B., S.T.
- Sasha presented a list of summer students and a potential schedule for their stays
- Students need to register with Jlab system in advance
- Lodging is available in the ResFac except for few weeks in June; students will be relocated to local extended-stay places/apartments/hotels for this gap period
- In 2023 we expect to take apart and reassemble the FCAL to create FCAL2: student help during this time would be good as well
- Total number of fabricated modules now up to 345
- Lab will be relocated from TEDF to EEL soon, need to update safety documentation
- A plan for strain relief of cables inside the FCAL dark room is in the works
- Discussion of refurbishment of existing FCAL LG blocks if necessary is continuing
- Arshak received the new plastic plate -- light transmission looks much better! Still need machine shop to cut a hole in the center
- Fiber connectors were 3D-printed
- Design for 3x3 crystal prototype (to be placed on TAC platform in Hall D) ready to go
- Fernando is ordering components and lemo connectors for PMT dividers
- Tegan has been studying performance of Island algorithm for 2-cluster separation in CCAL using simulated particle gun events
- Reconstruction efficiency appears to be low
- log-weighting appears to be worse than default energy weighting for cluster position
- Instead of throwing from the nominal target, throw downstream of FCAL?
- Igal continues to work on η→π0γγ events in MC and data
- Less background in real data? (not expected..)
- Discussed handling bad blocks in fiducial region
- Bastian Kubis will co-organize ECT* conference proposal with Susan
- Will add Daniel Lersch and Igal as "young scientist" co-organizers