JEF meeting, April 22, 2022
From GlueXWiki
meeting time and location
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Preparation for mass production of FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Status of summer students
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Modules fabricated by Arshak and Sasha (list on Google Drive) Grand total 320 (20 % of the total)
- Fabricated modules in TEDF
- Status of fabrication
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc. -- Sasha
- Data analysis
- Simulations
- Workshops
- status mini-symposium at DNP 2022 fall meeting: DNP 2022 web site is
- proposal ECT* ( workshop, form
Attendees: Arshak, Igal, Tegan, Bill, Sasha, Liping, Tim B., Jane, Jon, Phil, Olga, Susan, Azizah, S.T.
- Several students plan to come to the lab during the summer
- 3 affiliated with GWU, 2 from Lamar, 3 from UNCW, 1 TBD from URegina
- Sasha has identified several hardware tasks related to module fabrication
- Now up to 320 fabricated modules as of the meeting
- Relocation to new lab space some time in May?
- Arshak continuing to work on LMS development
- Constructed DIY integrating sphere while we wait for the procurement of the real thing to proceed
- New plexiglas sheet ordered
- Plan for injecting light on each side is moving forward
- Looking for commercially-available connects for inserting fibers, but may have to 3D print
- Existing plexiglas for FCAL-1 needs to be modified
- Liping will go to Snowmass parallel meeting in mid May
- Susan to take the lead regarding application for a possible ECT* workshop next year (deadline is May 20, 2022)